
Monday, June 22, 2020

Onion rings layout.............

I decided to make the extra seven blocks for an 8 x 10 layout, 60" x 75".  I think this is the final layout but I'll look at it at least one more time to make sure I don't have the same fabrics next to each other.

For me seeing the blocks closer gives a real view on a scrap quilt where there is so much variety in fabrics.

Kaffe collective churn dash blocks

I also sewed three more churn dash blocks.  I haven't pressed them yet so they are a little puffy on the design wall for this photo.

The first of the brown eyed Susan plants have started blooming.  A friend gave me this plant about 25 years ago and said it was a native variety.  The centers get darker as summer goes on.  It grows to about 4 feet tall.  It spreads easily so I have some in the back garden too which hasn't bloomed yet.

I have a second hydrangea bush by my dining room picture window.  We got about an inch of rain last night so some of the flowers are flopped over.  I think this one has a new shoot growing off from it so I could plant in a third location.


  1. The onion rings quilt is interesting and is making me think of my collection of left over binding strips. I wonder how much there REALLY is.

    Our hydrangeas are having the best year I remember I believe because of all the rain and cooler temperatures (over all - we have had our hot days for sure!). No black eyed susans yet, however.


  2. A few years ago I took about 20 cuttings off my Hydrangea, from some new growth, stuck them in a couple of plant pots, waited to see what happened and about 15 had rooted. I kept a couple and gave the rest away. I was surprised how many grew from my amateurish slashing - I also had the same results from my Fuchsias - very satisfying :)

  3. your garden look great and that quilt does too -

  4. The quilt top is wonderful! A strong color for the binding would bring it all together. It was a warm and humid weekend for sure. We also got some much needed rain on Sunday. I was glad I didn't have to water. Your flower beds are so lush!

  5. The onion ring fabric adds so much movement to the project. My fabric is on the way. Thank you so much for giving us its name. I might have to replicate your project at some point in time. Hugs

  6. Looks good, Wanda! The layout always tells so much more than blocks. I was surprised by the golden glow this project took on, once up on the design wall. I have daisy blooms, but no black eyed susans.

  7. The onion top looks great. No rain here. Just lots of heat and humidity. None of my black eyed susans have bloomed yet.

  8. I had to catch up with your previous posts to find out the origin of the quilt name. Then I saw the consistent center strip. I strive for no-same-fabric-touching. Most of the time I succeed. But if I don't, it depends on when I discover the 'error.' If it's when I'm quilting the top I leave it!

  9. Your garden is so beautiful! I wish I enjoyed gardening. I love looking at the results but hate all the parts up to that! I do enjoy weeding, but that's about it.

  10. Your quilt has a definite basket weave design and I love it. Onion fabric 'sings' in this one, and really puts on a show.

    Since my iPad does not communicate with Google anymore I am using my desk top and the fabrics and color is 200% better... Time to get a new iPad I think.

    Churn Dash blocks are bursting with your wonderful fabrics.


  11. Love that hosta in the flower bed - our hydrangeas had a tough winter. Two died and the third is thriving now (will flower soon). The scrappy onion rings quilt is fabulous - such wonderful colors.


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