
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Mother Nature is calling me outdoors..........

With this beautiful view how could I stay inside?  The weather yesterday was perfect for working outside whereas today is going to be the hottest day so far this year.  I'll be in the basement today.
More peonies are blooming and with the heat and humidity today I expect to see a lot more opening.

I love this one with the shaggy yellow center.  It doesn't last long in a bouquet so I visit the plant.

This is what I see as I go out the side garage door and walk toward the back yard.  This is the red flowered Weigela.

It is now in full bloom.  I wonder how many hummingbirds and bees visit it each day.

I have 4 tomato plants in the raised bed in the back yard.  I have to water them because we have only had little drizzles of rain for over a week.  The one in the back left corner has many tomatoes on it.  The 4th of July variety can have ripened tomatoes 49 days after putting the plant in the ground.  I planted them on May 16 so I'm right on schedule for ripe tomatoes on the 4th of July.  Of course that is if the squirrels leave them alone.


  1. My red weigelas were full of blooms this year (the 2nd) but the last hard rain pretty much stripped them. I wonder how long it will take for mine to get as big as yours.

  2. What lovely views you have! Those tomatoes are looking good....
    It has been colder than normal here...only in the 40's at wake up time...Julierose

  3. it is lovely outside and that is why I haven't gotten a lot done in the sewing room either

  4. That is a lovely view! Myself rebelled at the thought of going out and grubbing grass out of asparagus and flower beds for a 4th day in a row, so I decided it was too much hot wind yesterday. I'm trying to kick myself out to finish the one side of asparagus this morning yet, before it gets too hot. I think I need to get some more peonies - yours are gorgous. I have fern leaf ones and they are already done blooming.

    Will you be offering your color class again? If so, any ideas on when that might be?

  5. So many pretty greens in these pictures.

  6. Yesterday was a fabulous day here, too -- I've been spending lots of time on the front and/or back porch reading while watching/listening to our love-to-sing birds. Summer's intense humidity will be here all too soon and then I won't want to be outside.

  7. Wow! What a view! Your peonies are gorgeous. Weigela also. I always try to attract bees and hummingbirds.

  8. Lovely flowers of all kinds! My peonies seem to have done their thing for this year.

  9. Such beautiful flowers. It's a benefit of living where it snows, too.

  10. Your yard looks so pretty! You have such a wonderful variety of plants and colors! It was nice here too on Monday, but I spent my day in the garage. I need to get my squash in the ground. Since I transplanted them into individual pots they are doing much better. The only color I have so far in the yard is one California poppy flower! LOL!! My Shasta daisies are covered with buds and they will be so pretty once they start to bloom.

  11. You certainly do have a pretty view and your tomatoes plants have grown so quickly, nothing quite like fresh home grown tomatoes with that delicious fresh-picked smell to them.


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