
Thursday, May 28, 2020

The great outdoors...........

All it took was a string of overly warm and humid days for the first peonies to open.

These aren't the prettiest of my many varieties but are always guaranteed to be the first to open.

The Korean lilacs are later bloomers than most and these are right outside of my bedroom window, so fragrant.  Even though they look white they are a very pale grayed lavender.

My Bleeding Hearts are at that end of the backyard and the plant is in full bloom now.

There were only a few flowers on this stem.

These are on the lot line and I'm not sure if the guy next door planted them or not.  I know I didn't plant them.

Walking back toward the garage I pass the Dianthus (3 colors now) and a Columbine.  I don't have a back door on my house.  I have to go out the front door or side garage door to get to my backyard.

I couldn't see if this was in focus outside because the sun was so bright.  Now I see the camera focused on the back flowers instead of the front one.  This is my other color of Columbine.

I did some mindless sewing yesterday too but nothing to take a photo of yet.


  1. How lovely - their blooms are so fleeting but so spectacular. Here is this lovely warm and hot spring mine are over and done but I was given a birthday bouquet of them. Very thirsty they were too!

  2. What lovely color you have in your garden. It has to be a treat every day to see what is newly blooming! The only color I have is some the lily of the valley (that I keep tearing out and are in the backyard) has bloomed. The smell is so pretty. The most color I have in the front is the blue spruce that has exploded with new growth and is a very light blue green color. With the all the heat and humidity I think my Shasta daisies will be sending out blooms in the next few weeks.

  3. Lovely bleeding heart has just about gone by...but
    it was really lush this year...
    Stay safe Julierose

  4. I just did a walk around my house to gaze at the flowers and plants. My tree peonies are in bloom, but I am worried about the coming rain knocking them out.

  5. I have allium all over the place and in very bad spots. I've never planted one. I believe the birds or squirrels are bringing them in. Very annoying. Most didn't even bloom this year!

    Love your garden photos :-)

  6. Beautiful blooms in your garden.

  7. Wonderful to see these photos of some of your garden blooms, I love them all but envy you the paeonies and the lilac bush!


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