
Friday, May 8, 2020

Sewing the long seams..........

I forgot to take a photo of the final layout until after I started sewing rows together.
In this photo all of the rows have been sewn together and now I'm sewing the long crosswise seams.

It was getting late so I quit after 3 rows were sewn together.  I'll finish it today.

I got my order of black 1/8" elastic and I ended up making 9 masks yesterday.

These are the Redbuds that planted themselves along my driveway several years ago.  That is my neighbor's garbage can.  I didn't figure I could ask him to move it for the photo.

Parts of 5 Redbud trees are in this photo.  The other 3 are to my right and behind me.  Tonight is the freeze warning so I don't know if the blooms will survive.


  1. How long did you cut your elastic? I cut my first ones at 6½ and the men complained it was too tight and smaller women found them too loose. I can really not make masks with individual size elastic for 30 employees.

  2. The African Fabrics quilt is coming together so beautifully!
    The redbud trees are so lovely--such a pretty color to them
    ~ ~ ~ waving under cloudy skies Julierose

  3. I hope most of the blooms survive the cold - they're beautiful (and so are your quilt blocks).

  4. The quilt is coming along and is so beautiful. I was traveling yesterday so I didn't get much done. I had to take my DIL to sign paperwork for a car she bought. No one else could take her. Her car's engine blew up and she has been without a car for several months. It was 1 1/2 hours to the dealership, then while I was in the area I took a side trip to the bulk food store I like to go to. I took back roads that I have never been on and of course I got lost! Then there was no phone service so that I could look at a map; yes I was out in the boonies! I ended up in this tiny burg and there was a store that sold farm equipment open. I stopped in there for directions. No one was wearing a mask. They all looked at me with my mask like I was crazy. I have left the house at 8:30 and didn't get home until 3 I think.

  5. You reached your limit of sewing for the day and it's ok that you didn't get it finished. Better to stop than to stop needing to rip out a mistake by sewing to long! :o))


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