
Friday, May 1, 2020

April 2020 monthly recap.....................

As usual I waited until the very end of the month to really get in gear and get the last 2 quilts finished.  The flannel baby quilt is about 38" x 39".  Seeing Stars is from 2013 and is 64" x 82".  The Kaffe Trip Around the World is for my bed and is 77.5" x 96.5".  All quilted on my longarm.

April was a good month, the 4th month in a row with 3 finished quilts.
Two quilt tops were designed and sewn.  The African crazy pieced with panel is 40" square and the framed 9 patch is 60" x 72".
I made 120 batik face masks for the safety of family and friends and 60 for employees of a company. 180 total in April.

I quilted one small item, a table runner that is 15.5" x 24".

I made one new table runner top (about 18" x 54") and maybe I'll get it quilted this month.  I have 3 or 4 more table runners that I could quilt too and maybe it would be a plan to finish all of them.  

Since we have about 2 more weeks before planting time here I really should get my finishes in early this month of May.  I think I said that last month too......


  1. You had such a beautifully productive month of April')))
    I love that little red/purple table runner--and that CQ elephant work is just still a favorite of mine...
    Hope you are well and stay safe
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the pouring rain Julierose

  2. Wanda. All these finishes look great! Your blog and recap are an extremely organized way. I do not keep records of what I sew and or give away. It’s too late now to start!! I just keep sewing!!!!

  3. love the elephant panel in that one quilt top - I wondered which you would choose.

  4. Wow you got a lot accomplished this month! 180 is a lot of masks! It is amazing how making a few everyday adds up over a month. Sounds like you have gotten a lot faster at making them. I know I have gotten faster.

  5. Great May 1st post today Wanda... I know of no other person that produces as much as you do. And especially with fabric.

    Your African elephants look like they are dancing to the rhythm of the native drums.


  6. I just love that star quilt. I might have to make one.

  7. Considering that April is a short month and it was totally wonky, you did real good!

  8. Lots of great accomplishments. All beautiful

  9. Wow!! You certainly had a productive and colourful month!!


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