
Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunny day project............

I guess sunshine was on my mind yesterday when I chose a project to work on.  It was a beautiful sunny day and I got some more garden cleanup done.

Last night I pulled out the box of yellows and black and white scraps and continued making blocks for a project started in January this year.  I haven't pressed and trimmed the blocks yet but I made 6 new blocks that will be 5" finished, one that will be 7.5" finished and one 10" finished.  I already had 7 10" blocks and 1 5" block made.  I will be adding a positive/negative pair of black and white prints with these blocks for the project.  I have no idea how big a project it is gong to be at this point.  I'll just play until I get tired of it.


  1. Good morning Wanda - 10.30am here in the UK and another bright sunny day! I remember you starting these blocks and reminds me that I'd like to make another quilt top like I did before, but maybe less colours, like yours. I loved your red recent version. I managed to buy some trailing Fuchsia's last week so all planted and thriving. The garden will look a bit bare this year compared to past summers, but enough to put on a show. Back to my sewing and mask making. Oh, that reminds me - I did see your blank spaces of deleted photo's last week and wondered what was going on. Strange that some were not mask related!

  2. I really like your Sunny cheerful...I am making Courthouse blocks --29 so far--until i run out of strips...then I will decide how to set them for the bed quilt...sort of backward, but am on a "kick" with sewing...
    ~ ~ ~ waving under gray skies Julierose

  3. I find myself drawn to certain colors these days - especially the mix of florals and shirtings and stripes. Glad we can play with what makes us happy. I love the style blocks you are making - pure fun.

  4. It's been wonderful to have blue skies and sunshine!

  5. Today it is sunny, yesterday not at all. Your sunny blocks are really cheerful.

  6. Your blocks are full of sunshine and what glorious fabrics to play with.

    I've always wondered where your commenters live that have already commented by the time I wake up in in the morning. Knowing now Lesley Gilbert lives on the U.K. explains that. I peak at your blog first thing in the morning, but get my walk and eat breakfast before I comment. And most times my daily chores get in the way of getting back to my iPad again, till afternoon.


  7. You are going to have a fun time arranging those blocks into a very cool quilt.

  8. Oh, Wanda, I'm SEW glad that you've worked your way back to this project!!

  9. On a cold dampish day in Auckland your bright blocks are perfect!


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