
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Paperwork and not much else................

I started going through stacks of paperwork and 5 hours later I had to walk away from it.  Still not done........
When I was in the basement I looked through the neutral color larger prints and found 5 that might work with the 182 neutral 16 patch blocks I made over a year ago.  It will become 2 or 3 quilts with the plain blocks added into at least one of the quilts.
 Even though I thought I would design the 6th Spring Star, all I did was add 4 borders to a tiny crazy pieced block and knit a little.  

I need to make a list late in the afternoon each day with the things I should work on the next day.  Maybe I will get something done then.

I have loaded a quilt on the longarm and changed the thread so I'm getting closer to turning on the machine.  I think the ever changeable weather has something to do with my energy level.  65 degrees one day and 40 the next, up and down for over a week.  I used to get migraines with weather changes but I finally outgrew them.


  1. so often I make a list and I'm lucky to cross a couple things off of it - I get so side tracked on projects both in the sewing room and in the rest of the house. You will get started on your quilting today if you feel like it :) sometimes it is hard to get to your list. I think because we have to stay home it changes everything - I really don't run around much but not leaving the house 5 days a week to go exercise at the fitness center for me and run errands right afterwards seems to change everything.

  2. I can relate to your note about needing that list. Living alone and confined to the house without my usual social life, I am finding myself drifting from small task to smaller task, while some interesting and creatively challenging work sits back. "Dust gathers thickest on unfinished work," and the dust seems to be coming in drifts right now!!!

  3. LOL! Your quilting process sounds much like mine, Wanda. No worries! Eventually, each quilt gets completed.

  4. I have to make lists... of the things I really want to get done... otherwise, I get sidetracked too easily or forget. The weather has really been all over the map here too. We had one day last week that got warm (80°) with a touch of humidity and woke up to 28° in the morning a few days later. Burr! On the other hand, maybe the frost/freeze killed some of the ticks.

  5. I think that we all need to be gentle with ourselves. I have spent time making masks but for the amount of time I spent researching masks, getting supplies organized, I should have had a million made. I am trying to get a few more things done so I don't look back on this time and wonder what if anything I accomplished after long days at home. But the Covid 19 stay at home is not the same as having a free day. It just seems more pressured to have to be here and I think we might underestimate how that affects us. For me, it makes it hard to focus. And yes, the weather is not helping. So just try to do things that make you happy and get a little accomplished. It will soon be better but right now, in northern IL, we have a chilly week ahead.

  6. I think the uncertainty of life around us has us all functioning the same way these days. I find my mind goes from one thing to the next with no focus point in sight.

  7. We all have off days! Yesterday I was so tired from working all day Sunday on masks, I didn't accomplish much at all. Today I feel like I have to pick up the slack.

  8. It is hard to concentrate. I get started on something and think of 20 other things to do. I am making incremental progress but nothing really moving. Thanks for the photos today.

  9. You needed a slower day, you go a 100 miles an hour all the time . Oh how I know how paper work steals hours away. And yet you took time to go through your neutral blocks, sew a bit and knitting too.


  10. Boy, you know things are serious when even Wanda can't concentrate and get anything done. I think the mental health side effects of this isolation will be with us for a long time, especially if the isolation also drags on. We all need to give ourselves some slack and just do what we can. I see Chicago is having more snow and that doesn't help either.


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