
Saturday, March 14, 2020

2 larger corners.........

My two sewing friends came over yesterday. They were both working on One Block Wonders.  I continued adding rows to 2 corners of the Blooming 9 Patch.  There still isn't room to put the top left corner up unless I taped it to the ceiling.
I have that top left corner sewn to the same size as the bottom right corner.  I might get 2 more rows sewn on each corner each day but there are 20 rows left to sew and they just get longer and longer.  I hope I can get the top done by the end of March.


  1. It looks difficult to sew those corners away from the big piece...
    love how this is looking hugs, Julierose

  2. I bet you can get it done - it sure is looking good

  3. Looking really good, Wanda. It is going to be terrific.

  4. I missed yesterday's post and was happy to see your new Kaffe fabrics, they are so full of color and fun. . . Watching your 9 patch grow is mesmerizing, it's going to be another of your sensational designs.


  5. LOVE your project!! When I do a quilt "on point" - I "just reverse it" - start in the middle with the longest row - and work my way to the corners - that way each row gets "shorter" and it seems to go faster - LOL - ;))

  6. I do like how this is growing, very effective.

  7. This is simply beautiful! When you decided to make the Blooming 9 patch, did you start with the fabric in the fourth round and work from there to the center and the outside, or go from the center out? Your fabrics go together so well on this one and the earlier one you made, I'd be interested to know how you chose them. Did you have a color scheme in mind?



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