
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Basting some more...............

While the tables were cleaned off I decided to baste another quilt that I am going to quilt on my straight stitch machine.  I got it about 1/3 basted while I watched 2 hours of Criminal Minds.

It's snowing again here but really it has been mild weather for winter in IL since the first of the year.  I think I'll stay inside all day and maybe even turn on the sewing machine.


  1. I really like the way the zipper quilt has turned out. I love all the colors. Such a happy quilt top.

    It's a good day to stay indoors and sew with all the snow! Happy Sewing!

  2. Only rain here so far--I keep on waiting for the other shoe to drop weather wise. I expect we'll have a whopper of a storm sometime;000
    Love;y quilt you are basting..such lovely colors...hugs, Julierose

  3. I would think that basting always seems to take a long time when you are excited to get quilting. This is such a fun, colorful quilt! I wish I could have stayed home today. Temp is around 30 which for me is not that cold.

  4. I was privileged to go to the United/Moda warehouse sale last week with a friend. I picked up a couple of jelly rolls for $12 each. If my math is correct, I can make one zipper block out of one jelly roll strip (with the addition of a solid) using 2.5" measurements. I think I have a project on the horizon!

  5. Oh, I like your idea Lisa C! I have a 2 jellies needing to be used. I really like this zipper quilt; it is so bright!

  6. I like the zipper design better when I can supersize the photo to see the various prints. From a distance, it isn't my favorite, but up close it moves into the "I like this" group!

  7. I really, really love that quilt. Can't wait to see it quilted. Had some snow over night, but now freezing rain (hate it the most, I'd take snow). Trying to get a quilt finished on my longarm today.

  8. Just watching you make progress (^._.^) And it looks great !


  9. A very elementary question from a "not at all a quilter" reader: when you say "I am going to quilt on my straight stitch machine" does that mean a regular sewing machine vs something more heavy duty, or automated, or....I don't really even know how to ask!



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