
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Fixing a mistake.........

When I started cutting strips for my last Kaffe Fassett Trip Around the World quilt I cut the strips from the first 8 fabrics at 2.5" instead of 3".  I didn't catch my mistake until I sewed those strips together for all 5 stratas.  I let them lay on a shelf for over a year until this week.  I pulled out my Kaffe 2.5" strip box and looked for options for the rest of the fabrics for the quilt.
I ended up pulling yardage to cut the right number of strips.

The 8 strips at the left are the ones that were already sewn together.  Last night's TV sewing was finishing 2 of the stratas.  I think I might look for 2 more fabrics to make it a little larger.

While my friends were here I cut the side half triangles for my Australian triangle quilt.  I'll take a photo and show it tomorrow before I start sewing it together.


  1. As usual you accomplished a lot and still had fun with your friends yesterday. Your fabric photos brighten a cold gloomy winter day.


  2. These are really pretty colors. It's a nice project when some of the work has already been done for you (even if you did it yourself in the past).

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with those strata.

  4. What a beautiful (colorful) mistake -- especially on this dark and very rainy day.

  5. I'm glad to see this post, first - to know you're okay and second - because I always love watching your color selections. Take care.

  6. So are you making a Trip around the world with 2.5" strips then? Beautiful fabric.

  7. Sorry you made that mistake but looks like you made lemonade out of it after all. I have done that a couple of times, I have a ruler with one that is .5 so if I am not careful, I cut whatever an extra 1/2 inch. I ended up having to order extra fabric to make up the difference since it was a block of the month type thing. But in your case, just a happy accident.


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