
Friday, December 27, 2019

Not much............

I did a little bit of cleanup in the garage while it was warm yesterday.  Then to the basement where I rearranged these blocks for awhile.  They will be made into a tablerunner.  I played with some other fabric, read a few chapters in a book....... nothing too exciting going on here.  I have this big ambition in my head to quilt 3 or 4 quilts before the end of the year but being the queen of procrastination I haven't even gotten a backing sewn together yet.  Maybe today I will get going on the projects............


  1. Queen of procrastination?! I think not, cause that’s ME! You, Miss Wanda, are our inspiration! I always love to see what you are doing. Even if you are just rearranging blocks, it’s fun to see. Hope you have a nice day!

  2. Wait, I don't think so Sally, as I have held that title, for as long as I can remember. Wanda, you couldn't even come close to holding that title!!! The runner is so pretty, and I love that pattern. It's one of my favorites. Have a fun day.

  3. OMG - if you are the Queen of Procrastination I don't stand a chance! Love those blocks; they will make a beautiful runner. A belated Merry Christmas, Wanda.

  4. I can’t begin to think what I am if you are QUEEN. You always accomplish so much. Your runner blocks look great. I can imagine how pretty it will look on your table.

  5. Terrific pattern and designing for your table runner. OMG Wanda are you sure you wanted to refer yourself as a Procrastinator ? You accomplish as much as any ten people put together produce.


  6. I really like those blocks. They will make a great runner. Wishing you the best for 2020

  7. Ooooo, I would like to see those blocks in an entire quilt. Have you made one like that yet?

  8. I don't believe you are a queen of procrastination at all! Giving yourself a break is the calm before the storm of sewing thunders in!

  9. Those fabrics look like a spring bouquet, so very pretty and bright. Love the circles, too. I'm afraid of circles; I know it I tried making them, mine would turn out wonky and not wonky on purpose, LOL.

  10. "The queen of procrastination" YOU?!?!?!? Not to stress about finishes before the end of the year. They've waited this long, the end of January is plenty good enough. (giggle)

  11. I see I'm not the only one amused by your self-declared title of Queen of Procrastination. You put the rest of us to shame. Love the colors on that little runner. I haven't tackled curved piecing yet.

  12. I think procrastination is a super-power. In that in-between time of having to get something done and actually doing it, there is either a quiet or explosion of creativity that needs to be celebrated!

  13. I was going to leave a comment about procrastination but didn’t get around to it on time.

  14. I like how those blocks are going together. And no, you don't even come close to being the queen! I think it's more just that we have so many ideas we want to get in motion at the same time. Virtually impossible!


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