
Monday, December 23, 2019

Future project........

Two in my art quilters group are going to make a Blooming 9 patch quilt.  I want to make another one too so I chose some fabrics and started cutting while they were here a couple weeks ago.  The rust is the center and the dark green will be the outside edge.  The fabrics above the group were in consideration for the back.  I don't have enough of the zebra print for the whole back but I do have enough of the floral fabric.  This will be a project for night sewing, no hurry on it.  For anyone who doesn't know what a Blooming 9 patch is, go here to see one made by Jerry and the last one I made.


  1. Wanda, the 1st. Blooming 9 patch you made is such a beautiful quilt, and after reading the comments many people made, I realize why you were resisting making another one. I guess enough years have passed to ease the memory of how difficult it was, that you are willing to tackle it again.

  2. Your fabrics are beautiful for this. I think I am jealous already over this one:)

  3. That is going to be gorgeous. I have loved that design, but never attempted it.

  4. Your BNP is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing come together.

  5. I've made many Blooming 9-patches over the years. For awhile it was my primary go to for all my floral prints. I have a very bright Kaffe one that needs to be quilted. Top has been done for years. Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!

  6. The colors are gorgeous! This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  7. I quilted 3 B9Ps this year. Should have quilted a 4th, but never got around to quilting my own!! Isn't that always the case? Yours is going to be SEW striking!

  8. Your fabrics are stunning ! And your Blooming 9 patch will be too. The one your gifted your friend with is spectacular!


  9. Merry Christmas Wanda! I can't wait to see this quilt unfold. Your other version is stunning.

  10. I checked out your previous link as I’ve not seen that pattern previously. I just love the look of this nine patch. Is there a pattern for this somewhere? I guess I can google it and see what I find. It does make a gorgeous bed quilt! I’m inspired to make one now!

  11. Those fabrics will make a gorgeous Blooming nine patch. Years ago someone in our guild made one and I thought about putting it on my list, but I never acquired the book. Merry Christmas.


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