
Friday, November 29, 2019

Moving the table.........

I decided to turn the drafting/cutting table sideways in the space so I can walk all the way around it. As you can see there is a drain in the floor there. With people coming to my studio to use my design walls I have to have something sitting over the drain because the floor slopes down all around it in about a 24" diameter. 
This is what is currently on top of the table.  I cut a quilt kit for a friend in the summer and while the fabric was out and pressed I cut off a strip of each to cut half hexagons.  There are 4 of each of 20 fabrics there and my scraps from die cutting and some more beiges to add to the mix.
I can open out the large scraps and press the fold mark out and get one more half hexagon from each fabric for a total of 100.  I need 208 half hexagons to make a quilt 58" x 79" which is close to the 60" x 80" that I'm usually working toward.
I have this pile of large scraps and quarter yards in the same general colors so I'll press them and do some more cutting today.


  1. thanks for posting your half hexie pieces - I started cutting some last year and got busy with other things and forgot all about them!! I need to look for the box and see what I have and most likely need to get a lot more cut!

  2. Delicious neutrals - thanks for including how many half-hexes you need for the size you're wanting to make. I have some cut but I don't think I cut enough for mine. Need to go re-calculate.

  3. You always have very productive days in your studios. Beautiful array of fabrics in your post today.



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