
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Found item.................

I did a lot of sorting and putting things away in the basement yesterday.  I found this box which was buried under about 10" of "stuff".  I knew it was down there somewhere.  Go to this post for my first go around on the design wall with the Australian fabric equilateral triangles.  The pile of scraps in front of the box is waiting to be cut.  I think this is going to end up being a small quilt because I'm not too excited about it.  Maybe I can make some horizontal rows of triangles and add strips of different Australian fabrics between them. 

Today is my birthday (79 years) and it is one of the coldest ones I can remember.  We are having the third coldest beginning of November on record.  The coldest was 1991.  I knew there was a cold one in the early 1990s because my husband insisted we had to go Christmas shopping that day.  It was windy and freezing.  It's funny the things that stay in my memory bank.


  1. I am 3 years behind you. Have a fabulous day and a new beginning to your new year :-)

  2. Happy birthday Wanda! Your blog is the first one I read each day- I love your sense of color and prolific designs. Enjoy your special day!

  3. Very Happy Birthday to you. You do beautiful work.

  4. Честит рожден ден!!!Радвам се, че открих Вашия прекрасен , цветен свят и очаквам още красиви творения!Здраве и вдъхновение Ви пожелавам!!!

  5. Wishing you a very *Happy Birthday* and lots of good health and happiness on your special day. I'm almost 5 years behind you but I don't feel 'old' and like you, keeping a positive outlook on life - 'cheers' to you Wanda :)

  6. I do hope that I have the energy you have when I reach that milestone! Love seeing all your quilts and design processes. Have a marvellous day! Karen in Cape Town.

  7. Happy Birthday dear Wanda! It's hard to believe you're 79!! I'm 5 yrs behind you and you can run circles around me, for sure!! GO Wanda! God Bless you today and everyday!

  8. Happy Birthday! Stay warm. Thank you for greeting me each morning with a warm chatty start to my day.

  9. Happy birthday to such a special lady. It is amazing how quickly the years go by as we get older. Enjoy your day.

  10. Happy Birthday!!! I think I say this every year... I didn't realize we have such close birthdays (date, not years!) I hope you stay warm and cozy and enjoy at least a small bit of a cake!

  11. Happy birthday and may you have many, many more! I enjoy being a blogging friend with you as we have shared thoughts, ideas, and solutions! My birthday was last Friday.

    I never even thought about the temperatures. It felt fine to me even though it as like 15 degrees. LOL!!! I guess it didn't seem so bad since we received so little snow. There was a heavy dusting this morning, but if the sun comes out anything not in the shade will disappear.

    I love, love, love the Australian fabrics! I only have 5 or 6 pieces that my brother brought back from Australia. I don't have any reds and the reds you have are stunning! What a nice rediscovery!

  12. Happy birthday Wanda, I'm constantly amazed at your productivity in your quilting adventures. I hope I'm still going strong when I get to that age, and there's only a few short years til that happens!

  13. Here's to a Happy Birthday and for sure you are a young birthday gal. Doing what you love must be the answer. I'm in my 70's as well and enjoy your enthusiasm each day.
    The colder than usual and sooner than most years weather is hard to adjust to, but somehow we do.
    Hope your day is wonderful.

  14. Wanda, Happy Birthday to you! I read your blog everyday and really enjoy it. Thank you!!

  15. Happy Birthday and enjoy the day - it is finally starting to warm up here a little it was 30 instead of 20 this morning!
    I'm sure whatever you are making out of the fabric you found will look good - they always do

  16. Wanda, I hope you have a very Happy Birthday (indulge yourself!) and a healthy, happy year ahead. Your daily posts are a touchstone for me, and your ideas and their expressions in your quilts have been such an inspiration in my own quilting journey. Thank you — here's to many more years of creating and sharing beauty!

  17. Happy birthday, Wanda! Your quilts are inspiring. Hope you get to spend at least part of your "cold" birthday creating more beauty.

  18. Hugs for a very Happy Birthday!

  19. Happy Birthday! I hope you have something fun and warm planned.

  20. Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog first thing. It’s fun to see your fabrics and quilts. Stay warm! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  21. Happy Birthday! I enjoy your colorwash quilts so much! I collected Australian fabrics for years and finally am making a quilt with chevrons called The Great Southern Land, that alternates solid rows with Australian rows. I think it looks pretty good but i had to put it away for awhile. Some projects just take their time moving up the list, don't they?

  22. Happy Birthday, Wanda. I hope you have a wonderful day and many happy, healthy returns of the day.

  23. happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthdaY TO YOU

  24. Happy Birthday Wanda! I hope you have a good day, and continue to make a bright spot for so many readers' days for a long time to come.

  25. Happy Birthday, and best wishes for a great year. Stay warm!

  26. Wishing you a wonderful day and many more happy healthy years. iso enjoy reading your blog.

  27. Those triangles are the same size as the stack you handed me when we visited in 2012. I turned them into "What Lies Beneath" (wall quilt) and I still love it. Maybe you could do something similar with these and use those other fabrics you mentioned as the sashing.

  28. Happy birthday, Wanda!
    I have a box of Australian prints that have been waiting for The Perfect Opportunity. You've given me some ideas . . .

  29. A very Happy 79th. birthday to you, along with a big hug Wanda. I am 4 1/2 years ahead of you, and feel every one of those years, with the weather we've been having. Hopefully you are celebrating your birthday with friends or family. Each morning, I look forward to seeing what you've posted, be it a new quilt idea, the wildlife in your back yard, your indoor garden, or in warm weather, your potted flowers and beautiful tomatoes. You never cease to amaze me Wanda, and I hope your get up and go, stays with you for many more years to come.

  30. p.s. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I hit "Publish" too soon on my earlier message). You are amazing and I want to be like you when I grow up!!!

  31. Happy Birthday, Wanda !! Mine is in another week !! Enjoy your day !

  32. Happy birthday and stay warm! You bring a lot of pleasure to the world I can see from all these comments!


  33. Happy Birthday Aunt Wanda! With your blog I feel like I connect with you every day. Have a great day and year ahead! xxxooo

  34. others have said, yours is the first blog I read in the morning. You start my days off with color and design and feed my artistic mojo. HAPPY B-DAY!!! ENJOY your day. Looking forward to our next sewing session!

  35. Happy birthday, Wanda! You inspire me every day, on your blog and also in my sewing room. Stay warm inside and pet some fabric today!

  36. Happy Birthday, Wanda!

    Love your blog and the inspiration you provide!

  37. Wishing you a very happy and warm birthday Wanda.

  38. Happy birthday, Wanda! It's cold here in VA too!

  39. Oh Happiest of Birthdays to you;)))) I love the colors on those fabrics... hugs, Julierose

  40. wow are almost all grown up!!! And still cutting your own grass!! And creating away. Indeed you are an inspiration..xoxooxo

  41. Happy Birthday Wanda, I,too, am 79,my birthday is in July so wintertime down here in New Zealand. Hope you have a wonderful day, and finding a box of pieces is good reason to be happy too. Hope the weather warms up a tad.

  42. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! OMG Wanda, life is going by all too fast isn't it ? I'm 2 weeks ahead of you and turning 79 bothered me until my youngest 10 yr.old grandson thinks I can keep up with him . (^._.^)

    Fun find of fabrics, I know you'll create another special quilt.


  43. Happy birthday Wanda! I’m sorry the weather didn’t cooperate for your special day. Maybe postpone it until next week? Take care special lady!

  44. Happy birthday, Wanda! You're an inspiration!

  45. Happy Birthday, Wanda! We share our birthday today, but I'm 76. Best wishes for a healthy, happy year ahead!

  46. Happy birthday Wanda! You are one of my fav bloggers and glad you are still at it. Can't tell you how many I have followed through the years that no longer post (sad face). Someday I will make a quilt with the afro-ethnic material that I see you make from your stash (sometimes hidden ...) *grins*

  47. Happy Birthday Wishes! I hope you have a great (albeit cold) day.

  48. Happy Birthday Wanda. Hope you have a great day.

  49. Happy Birthday!!! And what a blessing you are to me. God bless you!

  50. Good evening, Wanda,
    Your creativity and discipline are a winning combination for all of us who are following on your blog. I hope that you had a most happy, warm day today and I send you wishes for good health and another creative year ahead. Thanks for all you do! Marnie

  51. Happy birthday, Wanda. I hope it is a creative and wonderful year ahead for you. Yes, it is funny what we recall.

    I can't believe how cold it has been for you folks.

  52. Happy Birthday Wanda! This will be a little late as I only caught up with the replay of your live video yesterday evening. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  53. Your birthday was on my calendar today, just so slow getting to the calendar. So have an extra day of celebrating - no matter that it is cold outside - you have the warmest heart!
    Warm wishes for much joy!

  54. Happy Birthday Wanda. You are an inspiration to us all. I pray you sill have many years of good health ahead.

  55. Happy Birthday. Your birthday is one day before mine.

  56. Happy Birthday, Wanda!! Grateful for you. Thank you for letting us get to know you through your blog. You are always inspiration for me. Praying that your health continues to let you work on your phenomenal quilts.

  57. Happy Birthday, Wanda! I enjoy your posts and your beautiful quilts!

  58. Happy belated birthday!!! 79. I can only hope I am half as productive as you at said age.

    Hope your special day is fantastic!
    I so enjoy your blog & your quilts!!!!! So very inspiring!!!!!

  60. A belated happy birthday Wanda, just catching up with my emails! Hope it was a delightful day.

  61. Just reading your blog entries now. Nov 14 is my birthday also. Happy belated.

  62. Happy birthday, Wanda! You will be forever young to me. Your energy and great attitude about life
    are an inspiration to me. I have had the pleasure of purchasing some of your quilts and looking at them every day bring a smile to my face.


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