
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bake and press..............

I put my 20 completed blocks up on the design wall so I could feel like I'm actually working on this quilt.

I got all of the rest of the stratas pressed and now I have a count, 36 more blocks for a total of 56.  That would make a quilt 56" x 64" which isn't long enough, or it can be a baby quilt and a lap quilt.  I will look through my pink and green floral fabrics and see if I have anything to make alternate blocks from as another idea for a larger quilt.
Another car is headed west to my granddaughter's house to help with the 3 great grandkids so I baked frosted creams to send this time.  I need to cut them and get them boxed up now.


  1. that pink/green is so pretty--that cream baking looks just yummy....
    hugs from a very windy CT Julierose

  2. Those pink and green blocks are so pretty. What are frosted creams?

  3. Frosted creams! Yum!!! How long it has been since I had them. Now I'm hungry.

  4. I admit that I've never heard of frosted creams, so went looking on Google to find them. From what I gathered, it's a very basic type of recipe from the 40's, maybe during the war. One recipe had several spices added, while the other had none. They both had raisins that were parboiled to plump them up, one with vanilla, the other without. Did this recipe come from your mom? Enjoy the sun today!

  5. Good progress on your pink and green. I know your grand daughter and family loves your frosted creams. They are so blessed to have you as their grandma.


  6. I, too, had to search for frosted creams! LOL! I saw several varieties. Would love to see yours. You tempt me all the time.

  7. Had the bright idea to search your blog and found recipe you shared in 2015 and again in 2017! Thanks!

  8. love the blocks on your design wall xo


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