
Monday, September 9, 2019

Garden walk...........

I have 3 different colors of Rose of Sharon in my front round flower bed.

This one is more pink than the one above.

I was surprised to see a white one there since they are around the other side of the house.  Something must carry their seeds around.

I have 2 different kinds of Sedum, lots of one and only one plant of this one.  This one was in a back garden that was over crowded and it rarely had blooms back there.

This is the other variety which I keep splitting and putting different places.  I still have 2 pieces of it in pots that need homes.

Here are the 2 together in that front flower bed that I tried so hard to clean up this summer.  The first one is at the right and you can see it has a different kind of leaves too.  The Coralbell was dug up earlier this summer and put in the pot where it is doing very well.
I think this butterfly is a Painted Lady.

Even the buds on the zinnias are pretty neat.

I was pulling out Goldenrod all summer and I still ended up with a patch of it blooming.  It will get pulled or chopped down before the flowers dry up.

I have been watching the weather this week very carefully since my granddaughter's wedding is on Saturday.  We are in for 3 tropical hot steamy days in the middle of the week but it looks like the weekend might be cooler and less humid.


  1. Quite lovely...thanks for sharing this. Good way to start my day.

  2. Your sedums are lovely--I want to get the variety "Autumn Joy"--perhaps on my errands around town today I will find one...
    hugs, Julierose

  3. I wish I could have sedum but the deer eat it. You still have a lot of color in your yard. Mine, not so much. I have a bit of lavender still blooming and a few coneflowers, but that is about it. I fertilized and gave my lavender a good drink of water last night, sprinkled a bit on the coneflowers, and watered the squash as I still have one yellow squash and one zucchini almost ready to pick. We hadn't had rain in a while so a little drink wouldn't hurt.

  4. I don't have a lot of blooms this year, but the sedum is starting to bloom. It is pink.

  5. Lovely photos of all your autumn blossoms, Wanda.


  6. When I saw that first flower, I went ohhhhhh, hollyhocks! I was wrong, but it sure reminded me of the row of hollyhocks planted along the fence by the driveway. Your garden is always lovely. When I had a yard, I had flower beds along the house and I was fortunate that everything I planted was happy where it was and grew and grew. I was terrified to dig up and move any of it. (I had always had a black thunb, you see.) Crossing my fingers for good weather on the wedding day.

  7. Lovely photos. Yes, painted lady is the butterfly - we've had a fair few this year! The golden rod reminds me of my old house - I never planted it, but it found its way into the garden! My grandmother also had golden rod but it seemed so much neater and orderly than mine! I don't know how she did it - or if it was the soil. And the little bumblebee on the sedum. The white hibiscus is beautiful. I miss my blue one as we didn't bring it with us in the move. Ah well, I can enjoy yours instead. Thank you :D

  8. Your flowers are beautiful and I love your goldenrod! Do you trim and prune your rose of sharons? Mine keep getting taller and taller....and I'm thinking they would look and bloom better if I could get them to be bushier.


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