
Monday, September 30, 2019

Last chance.........

One package of zinnia seeds for all of this beauty.  I definitely need to plant more next year.

Today is the last chance to sign up for my Colorwash 360 class which officially starts its 40 day live segment on Friday October 4.  Registration ends tonight at 10 p.m. EST. 

We added an additional BONUS for Students of Colorwash 360. We're teaching how to make a Mini Collage Quilt using the Colorwash technique. These small art pieces make great gifts and are a fun way to practice your color gradation skills taught in the course. Enroll in COLORWASH 360 to gain access to this Bonus Teaching.

If you missed my recent post all about my
TOP 10 TIME WASTERS To Remove from Your Quilting Practice article and infographic. You can access it here:

Sunday, September 29, 2019


What do you think of my latest Colorwash? It's a kit I made for Colorwash 360 students. I'll look for backing and choose binding later.
I have a few spots left in my course on Color. How are you doing? Do you have it all figured out?

Even if your style is much more subdued than mine, the principles of color are universal.

I've spent over 70 years obsessed with color. I've become an authority on it.

I would love for you to have a faster track in understanding than I did.

Join my course on color and you can either make a fine art quilt that will become a legacy piece for you, or do an exercise that is a gift-able mini work that will fit into anyone's busy schedule (or do both:).

The key is to come away with understanding that will shift your future from slow.....gradual...decades long understanding in fast immediate breakthrough...

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fun day........

My 2 friends came over to sew yesterday and the first thing I did was pressing all of my projects and then I worked on a WIP.

I finished sewing this quilt top together.  It will get a strip the same width as the sashing all around in the same fabric as the corner squares.  I already had lots of strips cut for the quilt that this was going to be when I started it many years ago.

This close up shows the fabrics a little better.  I have enough strips of the darker red already cut to use for binding.  Now I just need to look through both my gray and red fabrics to see what I might have for backing.  This will become a comfort quilt for a cancer patient.  A friend and I have paired up to do this for many patients.
The pinker purple asters were pretty the other day so I took the photo of all of the buds yet to bloom.  We had lots of rain yesterday so no outside photos then.

The bluer purple asters have planted themselves all over the place.  You can't imagine how many seeds these have with every center being a cluster of them.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Matched corners.............

I love it when the corners match so well.

I have lots of pressing to do today, 25 Hunter Star blocks, one postage stamp block and the kit sample colorwash that will hang behind me at the first live session of my Colorwash 360 class. (only 3 more days to register for this session)

The Sedum flowers are changing to their fall color.  Here are the 2 different varieties.  One is definitely more fluffy.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Late garden..........

Too many errands yesterday to get back to finishing my colorwash wallhanging.  My Colorwash 360 class is approaching, just 4 more days until registration closes.  Today should be a sewing day for me, Yay!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


When I got this part sewn together it looked so much like fall.

This is the partially sewn colorwash made from the kit available to my students of Colorwash 360 online class.  I'm so happy with it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Last night's tasks..........

The new season TV shows started last night so I have to have my "work" lined up to do while watching the shows.  I have 3 student kits to separate and package and the kit sample Colorwash wallhanging to sew.  

I want this wallhanging on the wall behind me for the first live session with my Colorwash 360 class. I'm building Colorwash projects along with the class.

This picture below was taken last summer when my garden's blooms were gorgeous, it worked out to be the perfect time for a quilt photo shoot. This is an example of one of my early Colorwash wallhangings, like I mentioned in my recent Interview. The fabrics back then were much more muted, and I added additional interest with Applique.

When you're making a piece of art, you define the direction you're taking it. 

I have enjoyed making Colorwash my own and I hope that all who take my online class will do the same overtime as you incorporate the foundational color practice of smooth gradation in your own bodies of work.

Colorwash 360 is open for enrollment until Sep 30. Click HERE to Join me in class!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Time wasters..........

Separating and packaging kits for my Colorwash 360 class was a nice restful Sunday task.

There are 225 different prints in each kit.

People are always asking me how I get so much done, I decided to give away a few of my secrets in a fun post called The Top 10 Time Wasters to Remove from Your Quilting Practice.

Click HERE to Access the Top 10 Time Wasters Post and Infographic.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Color, and more color..........

Rail Fence by Wanda S. Hanson, Exuberant Color
 In my Interview last week I was asked about smooth gradation and if it was just for Colorwash. My answer was NO, gradation is a key component of many patterns I do. I teach hands on experience by making a Colorwash because 
Strips & Curves by Wanda S. Hanson, Exuberant Color
it's my signature style and the design that so many have asked how to create. But once you understand smooth gradation, it can be applied to unlimited quilt patterns. Here are a few where I always use
Trip Around the World by Wanda S. Hanson, Exuberant Color
smooth gradation to create a depth that you could never accomplish without understanding how to work with it. 
Fabric selection is basically what you're learning in my Colorwash 360 course. 

As a student in my class, you could start with a kit that I selected and it will help you leapfrog right to hands-on working with prints and colors that work and you'll begin to learn why they work through my teaching and your experience of working with them.

Many of my Colorwash Alumni have told me over and again that they now understand how to select fabrics which is a huge savings of both time and money, and they no longer waste their yardage trying to accomplish something that they now know won't work with that specific print.

I will be offering my course on Scrappy Quilting soon, but you also need the wisdom that is in Colorwash 360 to truly master color. I'd hate for you to miss out just because Colorwash isn't your favorite pattern. You don't have to make a Colorwash to take the class, but of course I recommend you do for the experience.

Enrollment is OPEN NOW for COLORWASH 360. I'm doing LIVE sessions and Ask Wanda Bonuses where you'll be able to get my assistance making decisions on your piece in class. Sometimes I'll get multiple photos in a day from a student as they progress and want help. I love helping others learn about color.

Click HERE to Watch the INTERVIEW where I talk about Color, Time-Savings, Accuracy and more.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Front garden colors-- goldenrod, asters and pesky bindweed.
This time of year is exciting, cooler days start to sneak in here and there, and kids are back to school. I always loved Fall. Although the leaves haven't started to turn yet.

I was recently remembering how as a child I used to color the smooth gradation of a leaf changing from green to rust to brown on copy paper. 

It's funny how something you did as a kid can follow you all the way through life and you maybe don't notice it's significance and how it's shaping everything you do. In a recent interview I mentioned this coloring passion and how color gradation is totally ingrained in my DNA today. 

We opened my Colorwash course yesterday for enrollment and I can't wait to teach my tricks for color that aren't theory, they're easily repeatable steps that anyone can do.

I love sharing something that comes so easily for me and helps others break through the mystery of it all.

Here is the Interview I mentioned, and to Enroll in Colorwash 360 Click HERE.

Friday, September 20, 2019

New blocks and class info.......

My Colorwash 360 online class is now open for enrollment. Follow this LINK to learn more and Enroll in the online class.

I will be doing LIVE Sessions as a Bonus this time again, so you have the opportunity to meet with me each week via live Broadcast.

We will also have an ASK WANDA Bonus that means I will give you personal feedback on your project. The past students have loved this feature and submitted many iterations of their project as they progressed through the design process for my recommendations.

We would love for you to join the course and as always we don't promise that the Live BONUS with me will be available again. Enroll this time to ensure you get a chance to work with me personally. I'd love to help you.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Behind the Scenes.....

Creating the Colorwash 360 Class was a journey in itself. When we first started talking about it, my daughter asked me if I was ok sharing how to make my signature style works. And I told her at my age it didn't matter to me, that I just wanted to share what I've learned and hope it enriches others' lives and quilt practices.

We decided to record a video talking about Behind the Scenes of the course and it became a bit of a history of me and the ways I work too. (You could just listen to it like a podcast as you're working, it's just us talking.)

My daughter had an art gallery where she invited visiting artists to teach, organized juried shows which allowed artists the opportunity to have their work on a gallery wall, and curated exhibits of leading artist works. At the core of it all is her heart to help artists rise and to replace the 'starving artist mentality' with the 'thriving artist mentality'. 

One of the mental hurdles many artists face is selling our work, a fair exchange - our expertise for money. And as teachers, taking our years of practice and sharing our knowledge and being paid fairly for it. For some reason other professions have no problem pricing their work at a fair wage and receiving payment for it. And if you think about it, we have no problem paying them a fair wage for their services. So why is it different for artists? 

She is addressing this topic by way of helping artists see the many ways they can be paid fairly for their work and have dreams for more, just like every other profession.

I'm the first in her series on Prolific Artists, which is artists who make a lot of work. She tells me I inspired the series:) So our video is on her page that is all about Artists going after their dreams and touching the world with their art.

My Colorwash course is just that for me. I love helping quilters learn and grow and hope that one day there is a greater understanding of color that came from my fun time in the studio. I love what I do and by practice I have learned a lot about color.

Here is a link to view the video interview with my daughter.

And as I mentioned yesterday in my post, the Colorwash Online course will open for enrollment today at 5pm EST. You will find the link to enroll here once it's live early this evening.  Update:  Still getting ready for students...will open for enrollment 9 a.m. EST tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Preparing for class.........

I haven't been working on many big projects lately because I am doing the prep work for my next Colorwash 360 online class which opens for enrollment tomorrow.  I have been cutting 2 kinds of kits for the students, one of 6" squares that can be cut into squares by the student and 2.5" die cut squares ready to design with.

I always design a colorwash wallhanging while I am cutting die cut 2.5" kits to be sure there are enough colors and values for the student to be guaranteed success.  This one is waiting to be sewn together.

Vicki and I are busy with all of the preparations to welcome a new group of students into the Fall Session of the course with the Bonus of Live Sessions with me each week.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Back to it............

I had so many things I needed to take care of yesterday and one of them was mowing the grass.  It was at least 5" tall.  I used both batteries and still ran out of power so I will need to finish the yard today.  I got in 45 minutes of mowing.

Last night I sewed the postage stamp block (in one direction) that has been laid out for over 2 weeks and designed the next one to sew.  I need to get several done this week and get them up on the wall again to see how they look.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A lovely weekend...........

I went to all but one of my granddaughter's fittings for her wedding dress so I knew the dress very well.  My job was to button about 30 satin buttons with elastic loops up the back of the dress.  In my day the loops would have been made with satin covered tiny cord.  The elastic was much easier to button.

When she was trying to find the something blue I reminded her that I had given her older sister my blue star sapphire ring many years ago.  The ring was brought back to IL and it fit her perfectly.  The 2 sisters are now going to share the ring.  The lace around the bouquet stems is from her mom's wedding dress.  We had cut it up and made the ring bearer's pillow for her older sister's wedding 7 1/2 years ago.  There was a lot of lace left and I'm so happy they used some more of it.

The reception hall was one of the nicest I have been to and the food was so delicious.  Of course the DJ had the music too loud but we knew that was coming.  The young folks had a great time dancing.
Here is one more zinnia photo with a complimentary bug added to it.  I haven't seen any Monarch caterpillars the last 2 days so I hope they have all made a Chrysalis somewhere and that we will have some Monarchs flying around in a couple weeks.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

After the Wedding......

Last night was my granddaughter's wedding. We only have one photo to share, my daughter Vicki, Me, and her daughter, (my third granddaughter).

The weather was perfect for an outside wedding with a fountain backdrop. The food was delicious....and the Bride was beautiful.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Granddaughter's wedding day...........

All of the travelers made it here safely.  I'll be busy all day today and might post later in the day tomorrow than usual.  The humidity has finally dropped to a comfortable level after a sweltering week.

My plumber worked hard on my emergency yesterday and I have a drain that is working and a whole new huge PVC pipe in place of the black pipe from the 1950s.  

Friday, September 13, 2019

The good and the bad..........

Yesterday was a day of baking, hemming a lace and chiffon matron of honor dress, and getting together with my son's family.  All was going well until I came home and started mixing another batch of goodies.  The kitchen sink was totally stopped up, 8 p.m., no warning.  I made a quick trip to get a drain clog removal liquid but so far it is still clogged......
family gets here from out of state for the wedding later today.
So on a brighter note, the photo above is the Sedum with a moth with wings closed and this photo has its wings partially opened.  The Painted Lady and yellow and white butterflies along with these moths have been loving these blooms.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Charley Harper stars...........

I had a very busy day yesterday but I needed to sew something last night.  Since the Charley Harper fabrics were already pressed I cut the squares and triangles and made 3 blocks.  I have 13 blocks for this quilt now.  They are 9" so I probably need either 48 or 63 blocks depending on how large of a throw quilt I want to make.

Here are some of the smaller prints in the other Charley Harper line that I mentioned yesterday.  His designs are printed on Organic Cotton and were $16.50 a yard when I bought the first line.  The price might be the reason a lot of quilt shops don't carry the fabric.  I buy all of mine online.
This is another Swamp Milkweed a/k/a Butterfly Weed at the opposite end of the garden from the one I showed with 3 caterpillars on Tuesday.  There was just this one caterpillar on this one.

I have volunteer Rose of Sharon bushes all along the north side of my garage.  Here are 2 different shades of pink growing side by side.

More baking to do today.  Yesterday was pumpkin muffins and shortbread cookies.  Today is Frosted Creams.  I am shortening my oldest granddaughter's dress for her sister's wedding today too in addition to more cleaning.  The bonus in all of this?  I get to see my whole family together at the wedding and my house will be clean too.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Next in line.........

Yesterday morning I helped a friend with several projects and then we went to lunch.  I spent the afternoon deep cleaning my living room.  The dining room will be today's project.  Last night I chose 3 more fabrics to cut for my solids with prints series of quilts.  This is the first line of Charley Harper fabrics.  I have another line which is sea creatures and the prints are smaller so they will probably be the next group to cut.
This beautiful cluster of 6 tomatoes ripened on the vine without a squirrel having one bite.  Amazing!  I think this was from the Early Girl plant.

One Aster plant has blooms already; the rest will take another week I think.

These 2 Elephant Ear plants took longer to start growing that the third pot but they have almost caught up in size.

This is the larger plant along with the Canna.  I don't think the Canna is going to bloom because I got it planted late.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Caterpillar parade..........

Two friends I hadn't seen for quite awhile came by yesterday.  He wanted a couple milkweed leaves and I mentioned that I hadn't seen any caterpillars for almost a week and I was about ready to pull out the milkweed.  He came back in the house all excited and said I had 3 caterpillars on one plant.  It is on the one I called Swamp Milkweed and he said it is also called Butterfly Weed.
While I was looking at those 3 he spied another one on a little milkweed plant right next to the sidewalk.

We kept looking and found another one.....

and another one.  They shed their skin several times in their short life and you can tell which stage they are in by their stripes.  I haven't seen any Chrysalis yet but I did see a couple Monarch butterflies last week.  I hope they are ones that I helped create by having the milkweed available.
Last night I made 2 more stars for the solids with prints quilt and both have London inspired fabric.  I have been to London, the only far away place I have ever visited.