
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sewing and cutting...........

I had to go shoe shopping yesterday, shoes for my granddaughter's wedding next month.  I found a pair that is so comfortable....and so expensive.  They will be my dressy shoes for the rest of my life.

I sewed the last batch of Hunter Stars and put the last 2 batches up on the design wall with the first group.  There will be lots of rearranging and in fact the blocks will probably come down off the design wall because this is a long range project.  There are 64 blocks here and I need about 130.
I got the yellow postage stamp block sewn together.  I hope I can get one more sewn this week.

I continue a little each day cutting the kits for my next Colorwash360 online class.  I have 90 pieces in each pile so far.

I did purple and turquoise 2 days ago and green yesterday.  These are the waste pieces at the end of the cuts.

I set up a 30" x 40" foam core board covered with flannel on my long arm table, leaning against the top rail.  I am doing a quick check on values this way and will be able to judge what is missing when I get all of the colors cut.  Today I could do yellow and orange into rust or pink into red.


  1. Shoes that are comfortable are worth the price. I can never find dressy shoes that fit well. Hunters Star is coming along sparklingly. I would love to do a postage stamp quilt, they look so wonderful. Happy cutting! I am amazed at how detailed your checking is.

  2. You need to post a picture of your new shoes. I would like to see what expensive dressy shoes look like.

    The Hunter Star top is coming along nicely and is very pretty! Your postage stamp block looks good too! Your colorwash cutting seems to be going along smoothly. I can't get over how many batik fabrics you own. You have a fabulous stash!

  3. Good morning Wanda. Would love to see your new dress shoes. It's very difficult to find a comfortable, good looking shoe, suitable to wear for dressy functions. I know how difficult it is to find such a shoe, without paying an arm and leg for them. I used to go to the shoe store in town by you, and have found that you pay for what you get, and our feet our definitely important. Enjoy your day.

  4. Love that cheery yellow postage block--and you have a lot of those stars done...what do you plan for those cut-off ends? hugs, Julierose

  5. Comfortable shoes are worth their weight in gold! Just give me one pair of comfortable ones rather that 50 pair of cute, uncomfortable ones.

    I LOVE those Hunter Star blocks. The yellow block is my favorite so far.

  6. Great progress as usual... It is a treat to see what you accomplish and yet take time to photograph and post every day. Hunters Stars is spectacular ! Yellow postage stamp block, will make a great addition with the rest. And, your color wash kits in the works... love how you have designed them so far.

    I too would love to see your shoes... (^._.^)


  7. What kind (brand) of shoes did you get? I need to invest in shoes, not just buy them. (Sandals all summer are not helping, I know!)

  8. Oh I can't wait to see how you play with those end cut pieces -- such delicious colors. (shoes - bah humbug - I am back in a boot again on one foot from an evolving stress fracture - otherwise I am in New Balance cross trainers year round)


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