
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Guilt trip or burden? Or fun times ahead..................

I took advantage of an empty table to go through a box of WIP (works in progress).

Some people consider these started projects to be a burden or guilt trip but I see them as a jump start when I am wanting to work on a project.  This box contains neutral batik 16 patch blocks sewn last year.
Here is my note explaining how I can use them, one large quilt or two smaller ones with several size choices.

Here they are tipped up on edge in the box.

This box is filled with 6" tumbler blocks and rectangles.  I didn't have a note in this box so they will go up on a design wall to see what I can do with them and see whether I need to cut more.  I gifted my last large flannel tumbler quilt on Sunday so I need a replacement in the gifting pile.
I didn't do any research on my blog to see how old this project is but I would guess 4 years.  I am at the point that I have to remove more paper before I can sew more pieces together.  I can see I need this up in my main floor studio to work on removing the papers while I am between things or watching the news.

There are some long sections already sewn together.

And then there was a bag full of 6" finished size squares made of 2 triangles.

Here is the note that was in the bag with them.  Here again, they need to go up on a design wall to see if I need to make any more for variety but there are enough for a respectable size quilt right now.

Every person has a tolerance level and too many projects might be a burden to some or at least a guilt trip that they weren't finished in a timely manner.  There have been a few days that I felt overwhelmed (because this isn't all of the WIPs, oh, no there are more) but I can always change my mind about finishing and sell a pile of blocks to a person who would love them.  Options.
On my current finish I cut the binding strips yesterday and sewed them on the quilt.  I am finishing the binding by machine and I have 3 sides done.  Hopefully a finished quilt will be on my blog tomorrow.


  1. sometimes I think about what I have set aside already started and not worked on in ages and I let it guilt trip me a little bit then I remind myself that what I have set aside already started really isn't that much and that I don't have to finish them if I don't want to!! You get done with a lot of projects and so do I - I guess we just have so many ideas running through our heads we can't keep up with all.

  2. I do tend to get overwhelmed--[or at the end of a long project--underwhelmed
    ;))) ]--if I have too many irons in the fire...I don't mind flimseys waiting for backing or layering but these half-done projects bother me..
    SO, I am in the process of either putting them in a "Definite" pile or disassembling them into the stash..ENOUGH of dithering here...hugs, Julierose P.S. I love those long, thin pointed blocks--just beautiful...

  3. I've been trying to address some of my WIPs this year with mixed success. Attitude is so important for productivity.

  4. I found 2 bags of vintage blocks that I bought somewhere and decided to finish them. One set was so dirty I soaked them in Oxiclean and now I can see the background is white instead of beige. I also have 4 quilts in the half done stage, 3 which are Christmas gifts. And I have the fabrics laid out for two more. I’m not even going to count the ones I bought years ago that are in boxes. It doesn’t bother me because I’m a finisher, I know they will get sewed. I’m slow on getting them quilted though. I find that getting the backing and batting fixed is so time consuming, the quilting isn’t the problem, it’s getting it all together.

  5. I've been moving things around so the window replacement company can have clear space to work, and in the process "unearthed" several UFOs I'd forgotten about. One is the paper-pieced "garden path" (long skinny triangles) similar to yours. Instead of starting another something new, I'm gonna tackle a couple of these and get them finished!

  6. We are in the process of moving. Several months ago I took my UFO's and put them in 2 gallon baggies and boxed them up. Now at the new place I have 2 shelves full of baggies. I'm thinking this winter it will be nice to pull these bags out and visit old projects. Thank you for encouraging post about old projects.


  7. I like the idea of the note cards. I don't have too many started projects in boxes but have never thought to add a note. Thanks for the idea. Have fun playing with your UFOs.

  8. Your organization is awesome. To pull out all these pieces from years ago and then being able to continue on with your notes, like it was yesterday, repeating awesome again! I too have always liked your blocks with the long narrow slivers.


  9. No guilt trip or burden for me since I don't really care if I ever finish something - I enjoy the process. To me - it's all about the "journey" - not the "destination". Once I start something - I can either look at it in the "UFO" pile or in the "done" pile - either way - it's in a pile - LOL - ;))

  10. I belong to a UFO Club and count it a bonus if I finish ONE quilt per quarter. Each project will have its time... Eventually!!

  11. I have a WIP to finish up today and checked what else I had in the drawer, two of them I don't know if I want to finish them, I do have 14 quilts waiting to be quilted, some from four years ago - I love the sewing, not so much the quilting! You seem to have lots to keep you busy!

  12. I keep notes for all of my projects - whether they are gestating or actively being worked on or waiting to be quilted. Only when the quilt is DONE do I go through the notes and compile a coherent reference sheet in case I want to do something similar later on (and not have to re-invent the entire wheel). Will be fun to see what you do with these project piles.

  13. Good for you! I have quite a few Works in Progress and always find it more enticing to start a new quilt than pulling out one of the old ones. But there is a lot of satisfaction in finishing one which has been sitting back there for a while, and when I do pull one out, I’m often happily surprised by how relatively little there’s actually left to do. So I wonder why on earth I let it sit for so long when I could’ve finished it years or at least many months ago very quickly?

  14. I agree with you. Ufos are a jump start. Heck i am one of those crazies that has purchased someone else's lol


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