
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fabric therapy.................

This is the season where Kaffe just recolored some of his older prints but Philip and Brandon came out with some new designs.  The 2 black and white are Brandon's and the one on the right is called onion rings.  These designs are huge!
Philip Jacobs Geodes and Brandon Mably onion rings.

These are Cactus Flower by Philip Jacobs and I think it is 2 new colors of an older print.

I got some small pieces of Kaffe's recoloring of Spot and paper fans.

And here is the second Zinnia to bloom.


  1. Sometimes I don't know where to start getting a good working collection of Kaffes. I have some, but not in any kind of order or strategy. I think I love the florals best, but it gets confusing. Thanks for showing the new fabric.

  2. Thanks for posting the new fabric. They are GORGEOUS! Liz in Houston

  3. That flower from your garden fits perfectly with those new fabrics!!

  4. Window shopping at its best this morning. And I didn't even have to leave the house. (^._.^) a beautiful array of fabrics .


  5. [Note:writing this from a different computer as mine is down]
    Interesting fabrics...I didn't know they sometimes just re-colored prints...hugs, (frustrated) Julierose

  6. Onion rings??? LOVE the black and white version SEW much!!! I just MIGHT need some fabric therapy, too.

  7. I wish many of the new prints were about half that scale. Turkish Delight is also too big for many of the things I would like to use it for. Cactus Flower, Onion Rings, Chips and Geodes are all too big for me.

  8. Well Julie was there before me observing how well the Zinnia fitted with your fabrics. I didn't buy any of the onion rings nor the light paper fans you have in your last fabric photo, I also held off on the sea urchins but now I'm thinking I should have added them to my order!

  9. The onion ring fabrics caught my eye!


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