
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Treasure hunt............

My 2 friends came over to sew yesterday and while they were here I unearthed some "treasures" from boxes and shelves.  I did a workshop with this pattern probably between 15 and 20 years ago.  I decided after making 2 blocks that I wasn't excited enough about it to make a big quilt.
Here are all of the rest of the pieces and a purse/bag that I made out of the other big square.  It is a Japanese bag pattern that was in some magazine back then.

This is the inside.....

And here is a look at the pocket under the flap.  You can also turn it inside out and have the pockets on the inside and just patchwork on the outside.

It is black raspberry season!  This is the first large group of berries.  The first picking was only about 8 berries two days ago.  The season is short, about 5 days.

For your convenience here is a shortcut to my pop-up shop. Two and a half more days and then it is gone.


  1. I love your string blocks - thanks for a new way (for me) of arranging them with smaller blocks in the middle and half squares on the outside. The bag is not my style but I like how it's folded and reversible.
    We are supposed to be having a heat-wave this weekend so I'll be staying indoors were it's cooler and keep busy sewing. Hope your weekend turns out good and you get lots done - no slacking haha.

  2. Those fabrics speak volumes of their dates. There were a lot of wishy washy prints then. Like the block. Berries are the best.

  3. The treasures you keep finding are fun and unique. Love that little purse, fabric and design. And a delicious black berry sunday, I'd say you had a Good day.



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