
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

More cutting for solids and prints...............

I sewed 3 more zipper blocks last night.  While cutting for them I also cut the squares for the framed 9 patch quilts from the same strip of solid color fabric.  Go back to this post for my inspiration for all of the print and solid quilts.  I will start cutting the print fabrics for the framed 9 patch blocks soon.
There are several of the print and solids quilts that I want to make.  I decided to cut one of the blocks with a one way print.  I'll just keep cutting these and piling them in a box for some sewing in the fall when the TV fall season starts.
Here is another Lynn calls Window that I want to make.  It is the start of another box of pieces for night time sewing.

My Veronica has more blooms now.  I noticed I have a Coreopsis blooming too and haven't gotten out there to take a photo of it.

To prepare for my new roof I have to cover everything in the attic because I have a tongue and groove board roof instead of plywood (1953 construction).  There is space between the boards and a lot of grit will sift through into the attic.  I have a one story house but there is a stairway to the attic so I can get up there easily.  I need to have everything done by Wed. morning.  All of my plants in pots will get moved later today.

I'm almost done working on descriptions and photos of items for my pop-up shop which will open at noon EST on Wednesday June 26 for subscribers of my mailing list and on Thursday for non-subscribers.  (sign up form on my right side bar)  It will be a 5 day pop-up shop.


  1. No doubt you'll go in the attic early, it will be a scorcher up there. One thing I was thankful for when we moved into this house, it has an attic but its all covered with thick insulation, no chance of utilizing it for storage. Super thankful for the baement though! That's where I quilt.


  2. I think roofing is such a mess. Last time we had our roof done, I was almost afraid to walk outside because the roofers looked like escaped prisoners. I mean, these guys were scary looking. But they were very polite to me when I handed out ice cold bottles of water.

  3. Sounds like there is never a dull moment around your home . . . busy, busy, busy. It will be nice having a new roof over your head. We had to put a new roof on our house the second year we lived here, it is suppose to be a thirty years roof, so the next one will be put on by someone else, LOL. This should last me the rest of my life or for sure as long as I am able to live here and take care of this place.
    Happy quilting:)

  4. Such a fun people print you're cutting pieces for this fall sewing. Zippers have a lot of "zip," great combinations. Prepping for your new roof is a job in itself, not alone working your 'pop up' shop tomorrow . Maybe you won't hear the hammers pounding on the roof with so many orders to fill from your shop. Yah right.... I know better, about the hammering I meant. I know your shop will be another success.


  5. I'm curious how you do your backings. Are they pieced all the same fabric? or do you piece coordinates together? Thanks

  6. Wanda, would you please comment a little about how you are choosing the color combinations for your solid/patterned blocks. They seem so mismatched to me, not only within each block, but all the various color combinations. They don't seem to go together at this point, at least in my mind. I know when you put it all together it will look fine. Just trying to understand. Thanks! And I enjoy all the pictures of your floweres too.


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