
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Just cutting, no sewing............

When my friends were here yesterday I decided to pull out the Farm Girl Vintage quilt book and see what blocks I want to make next.  It is a slow tedious task cutting for these blocks but I got 2 cut out.  Lots of decisions which fabrics to use for the blocks.
I also got some 2" strips of solids cut to go with some of the print strips I pulled out earlier this week.  These are for the framed 9 patch and zipper blocks I showed on Tuesday.

My son called and invited me out to his house last night for salmon cooked on the grill so there was no sewing in the evening either.  It was what I call a social day (and a fun day!)


  1. I like the look of that chicken foot block - not something I have tried before but look forward to seeing what you come up with. Nice to see you having some fun time with your family - there's always the next day to get on with some sewing, which is what's happening with me. I've been looking at your garden coming into bloom & looking pretty as always. I never did get new plants for my pots but everything is coming up again from last years growth - Peonies have flowered but the Fuchsia are all ready to open. 3 Clematis are flowering/budding so something to look forward to. The Campanula are rampant this year after self-seeding all over the place. My foxglove are doing well and quite tall. I have some purple and orange flowers (forgot the names) so I guess I have plenty to keep me busy throughout summer. Enjoy your sewing weekend :)

  2. Good that you did lots of cutting. That means more to sew! I don't think I could ever do the Farmer's wife quilt. Sounds like a good social day.

  3. The Farm Girl colors look nice! I am making some Farmer's Wife blocks at the moment. But..I am making them 12" instead of 6" . Much easier job!!

  4. Happy to hear you had a FUN social day. We all need those on a regular basis. I like the Farmers Wife blocks and especially your array of fabrics you've laid out.


  5. Oooh, salmon for dinner, how wonderful! Seems you had a lovely family evening together.

  6. Salmon cooked on the grill sounds delicious!

  7. Love those solids and prints! Salmon on the grill - my mouth is watering! I think I could eat salmon three times a day! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!


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