
Friday, June 14, 2019

Inside and outside.............

I still haven't had time to do any cutting for my big projects so I continue to just make a few blocks in each of these 2 patterns.  Reference to them was on this post.  I used the same solids in both patterns with just the print being different.  I still have enough of the solid 2" strip to cut another zipper block so I may do every color twice in that one.

I mowed the front and one side yard yesterday at 2 p.m. and then went back out at 7 p.m. and did the other side and the backyard.  It was a nice cool day to mow and is supposed to be warmer today.  I would much rather mow in cool air!  I also planted some Elephant Ears and Cannas in pots.  I didn't get around to digging.  I am slowly trying to dig out the Vinca vine and the other aggressive vine in my front garden, a little bit every day.


  1. Zippers and framed 9 patches.... I think matching them up is a fun way to combine them.

    Good to hear you are pacing yourself with your mowing chore. We 78 year olds aren't what we use to be. I sure can feel it this year.


  2. These blocks are so pretty. I've been accumulating some 3" 9-patch blocks made with no purpose in mind and now the gears are turning!
    And thanks for all the great tips you share!
    Hope it's not too warm today :)


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