
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fun and repairs..........

I had fun yesterday with my 2 friends.  We all had old fashioned chocolate ice cream sodas with our lunch.  I hadn't had one for a long time.  I did mostly pressing and cutting of solid color fabrics for my zipper and framed 9 patch quilts while they were here.

After they left I mowed the back yard.  It was still cool today even though they predicted warmer weather.

l bought this little dress for my oldest granddaughter 30 years ago.  She is expecting her third child and it has been predicted it is a girl.  I had the box of her childhood clothes at my house and she is going to take them now.  I saw that the elastic needed to be replaced in the sleeves of this one.
You can see here the old elastic is dead and I happened to have the right 1/8" elastic on hand to fix it.

Then I decided to check the elastic on some of the little dresses I had made for her.  Yes, this one needed replacing too and took the same size elastic.

I made this one for her when she was 1 year old.  Both other granddaughters wore it too.  This one had elastic run through a casing but I had a size elastic that would work so I got it done too.  Then I checked the bloomers to go with this dress and they need the elastic replaced too but I need to go buy some for them.  I'll do that today.  I think this is all of the dresses that had elastic but I'll check through the box to be sure.

I'm still working on descriptions and photos of items for my pop-up shop which will open on Wednesday June 26 for subscribers of my mailing list and on Thursday for non-subscribers.  (sign up form on my right side bar)


  1. It's wonderful to see these little dresses. How nice that they are going to be used again after your repairs.

  2. Sweet sweet baby dresses. What a pleasure it must have been to do this little project for your granddaughter. Such memories to ponder while your hands were busy.

  3. The dresses you made are very pretty and must hold sweet memories of when she was very young. I'm so happy you will be having a little great granddaughter to sew a few things for shortly, not that you have any spare time with all you have going on. It looks as though the rain they predicted for today will be holding off until much later in the day, so maybe I can get some outside work done.

  4. Love your work. You are such an inspiration to me. Sweet little dresses. they have held up well.
    Betty the quilter

  5. Aunt Wanda, I recognize that beautiful little orange dress! She wore it to our wedding 31 years ago!


  6. Those dresses are ADORABLE ! It so rare to see all those ruffles on little girls today. I miss those days.


  7. These are such sweet dresses. I am glad they are as treasured as they are, and that they are getting new life into them.

  8. How wonderful that you have kept these beautiful dresses all these years. And that they will be used again by a new generation. I do wish that I had kept some baby clothes from my two, but I passed them on to my sister who had four little children! It's a shame we don't often think ahead.

  9. Oh such pretty little dresses. My daughter was such a tomboy that they either had stains or holes in them - even when toddling. One dress she loved when she was about 6 - but being from a shop, the seams frayed terribly and because it was such a floaty dress - riiiiip on the roses! Thankfully she's a little more ladylike now!
    I'm rubbish at making clothes. The little dresses are so perfect.

  10. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that she actually does have a girl!

  11. This would have been a great trip down memory lane for you!


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