
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

An inspiring blog to visit...........

Have you ever visitied Lynn Dykstra's blog Klein Meisje Quilts?  I love the series of quilts she has been making for several years.  If you go to her label list and click on solids on prints series you will find a large group of quilts made with print and solid in every block.  She generously shares the cutting and sewing directions for all of them.  This one is called framed 9 patch and is from Dec. 2016.  I have never seen a 9 patch I didn't like but I REALLY like this one.  I think the reason I like these so well is because they are scrap quilts (which I love) with that extra pop of solid in the design.  They are reminiscent of old quilts but have a modern touch too.
Many years ago I started cutting a 2" strip (or 2) off every fabric as I brought them home.  Here are some that I have chosen to work with.

As far as solids are concerned I started a huge collection of Kona cottons thinking I was going to be able to take another Nancy Crow workshop and she wants you to bring 100 or more different colors.  Unfortunately it didn't work out to participate and now I will use these fabrics for some quilts in this series.

I also have a bunch of cute prints that I will cut and work into these quilts.  Some of these will need to be cut in a lengthwise direction for the one way design to look best.

Lynn calls this one Zip!.  You really  need to go to her blog and scroll back through all of the pages and see her complete quilts in these designs.  I am going to start with these 2 as a fill in project when I just need to sew and there isn't a deadline project in the works.  This one is from January 2017. 

The one however that got me started to work on solid and print is Lynn's Postage Stamp Quilt.  I'm not sure I will have the patience to do this one but I LOVE it.  I will make a few blocks and see if it is something I can stick with long enough to make a good size quilt.  I have a lot of 1.5" squares already cut so it is time to get started.

If you visit Lynn's blog (please do!) leave her a comment if her quilts inspire you.

This is how my pots of Coleus look right now.  I'll share a photo in about a month with the comparison of sizes.  Coleus plants are so colorful and I have them in some of my pots every year.


  1. My coleus have the same dinky size right now. Hopefully some sun will change that.
    I did discover her blog not long ago and her quilts are unique and lovely.

  2. Wow, her blog is very nice. I signed up for it, her quilts are great. I didn’t get any coleus yet but they are calling my name!

  3. Thank you for sharing Lynn's blog. Pretty quilts, good tips and fun stories...what's not to love! And I love the use of solids too!

  4. I will be checking out Lynn's blog. My 16 patch fits right in with the idea of pairing a solid with a print! Too funny. It has been cool - into the mid 40's the last two nights so some things are growing slow. My roadside day lilies though have the flower stems shooting up everyday.

  5. Wanda, this method gives the blocks a 3 dimensional look to it, and I like that. I intend to visit her blog today when I have time to check it all out. I won't complain about the rain today, since my plants needed watering. Enjoy your day.

  6. Great link that you shared - thank you! There is so much we can do with basic straight-sided shapes. Our coleus are growing rapidly now that the heat has arrived. Yours will too very soon.

  7. I like everything you're doing! Going to visit that blog as soon as I get off here. I have coleus seed I haven't planted yet. Haven't found any in garden centers. Boo!

  8. The solids bring out the beauty of the prints and the prints bring out the beauty of the solids. I can see why you want make these.

    Coleus always makes me think of a Persan rug. Love the way you design your pots, just like your quilts so full of exuberant color.


  9. Beautiful blog! Thanks for the referral.

  10. Oh.. I played around in her blog and couldn't find the nine patch that you are showing. Do you remember the approximate date that was posted or where to find it?

  11. Thank you for sharing the link to Lynn's blog. I have been cutting scraps for blocks and wishing I had some fresh ideas and this is exactly what I needed. I was looking through my scraps for multicolored fabrics today and I looked again at your nine patch blocks and I see that mono prints will work very well. You always inspire me.

  12. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJune 5, 2019 at 11:24 AM

    Thank you for introducing me to Lynn's site. Love the things she does, but then I love everything you do also. You are expanding my vision of quilting design. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks after all:)

  13. Yes I have been to her blog for a while now. I really like that nine patch layout too.

  14. Thanks for the link! i am now following her and her work is great! I like the pastels of your quilt. Very soft. And a good use of my leftover Kaffe fabric!

  15. This is the second mention in the past month of the framed 9 patch. The other blogger had them set in a row in a medallion quilt. I'm wanting to make some now. Looking forward to see what you come up with.



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