
Friday, May 17, 2019

What a day!............

I thought the main event of the day yesterday was going to be my last live broadcast on my Colorwash360 online class but Mother Nature wanted the spotlight.  The tornado siren went off just before noon.  I went to the basement and turned on the weather radio.  When that warning was cancelled the rain started and then the hail.  This photo is a pile of hail that came off the roof at a spot where 2 angles meet.
My precious Hostas are pretty beat up.

I know most of them will send up some new leaves but I'm afraid the beauty of the garden won't be quite the same.

I took this photo the night before last of my big bushy Cranesbill with the light lavender flowers.

This is what it looks like now, right next to that frozen pile of hailstones.

I picked this little bouquet the night before too.  I know a lot of the garden will recover.  I just have to be patient.


  1. Wow! Those are some sad plants

  2. First, glad you are safe. Those storms are very scary. And the, you had a massive attack! Interesting to see the before and after shots. The plants will recover but the delay is going to be noticee

  3. I'm so sorry to see the damage that's been done by the hail. I hope your plants recover quickly, Wanda.

    I am so very glad that you are safe, though. I saw the pictures of the tornado that came near your town. Pretty scary.

    Take care.

  4. glad you are safe - I know when the sirens go off it can be a scary feeling - your garden will recover but it is always disappointing to see them like that - that was a lot of hail!

  5. Good morning Wanda.....Yesterday's storm scared the heck out of us as well, when the sirens went off, and we were so happy it left as fast as it materialized, but that hail was scary, especially with the intensity in which it hit. I haven't checked out the plants yet, but the woods in back of the house may have offered some protection. It's really been a crazy year, as far as weather is concerned.

  6. I'm so sorry about your lovely hosta. They are my favorite plant and one that doesn't do well here. Last year we had the worst hail storm I've ever been in. Blew out the window in our van and dimpled the surface all over. Shredded the awning over our deck and destroyed the roof. Hit the whole town so everyone now has new roofs.

  7. Hail is bad, tornadoes are much worse and so scary. I’m glad you’re okay and that you have your sweet little bouquet to enjoy.

  8. The garden may be a little less grand than usual but you are safe and that's what matters most. The frequency of wild weather is really getting to be something.

  9. WOw I'll just bet that was scarey--such a shame about your garden--hopefully it will recover...hugs, Julierose

  10. Your plants look pretty beat up but hopefully will recover - more importantly, you are safe to sew another day :)

  11. Gish those are sad looking plants due to the hail, good think you picked your bouquet the day before.

  12. Glad you are safe and the plants will recover. When I was a teen, we had one that broke windows, filled part of our house with two inches of water and glass, reduced my father's six foot crop of rye to 6 inches, and went through my uncle's plywood pig house and killed some of the pigs inside. I'll never forget that event. We had to hide in the bathroom - the only place with those glass block windows, and listen to the noise of it. The hail stones were golf ball size but driven by a strong wind. Your pictures are sad. Hugs from me to you...

  13. We don't get that kind of hail very often, but I remember one year everything was pounded to smitherns and I mourned all summer for plants stripped down. Once, when I had new car for two days, I was working in school and a storm hit. From my window I watched in horror as my car was pounded. I had to take it to a place that got all the dents out with huge rollers. I am glad your were safe! Maybe it is early enough in the season to recover.

  14. Crikey! That's a lot of hail! Here's hoping the poor plants will bounce back soon. The family of one of my relations has a farm in Saskatchewan and there are huge dents in the barn roof where they have suffered with enormous hail storms! I think I'll count my blessings because we have nothing like it over here in the UK, although the winds we've had this winter were dreadful!

  15. I am glad you are safe. That does look like some crazy storm! Usually when we get that kind of hail, we have neighbors losing tree limbs, and having to get repairs to their roofs and their cars. That Cranesbill is really pretty. I don't think I've seen it before.


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