
Monday, May 13, 2019

Playing with some old blocks............

I pulled out some old blocks that I started in Sept. 2017.  I was inspired by Maria Shell's book "Improv Patchwork, dynamic quilts made with line and shape".

I had some half blocks too so I worked them into the layout.

I added the last blocks and contemplated whether to make some more blocks.

I had made some stripe blocks in the same general color range too so I added two of them so I could finish the bottom row.

I switched the 2 stripe blocks with each other and put them in a vertical format.  I think that looks a little better.  I have more stripe blocks which I show HERE when playing with layouts in 2017.  I'm still uncertain what will be made with these blocks.

I mowed the front yard which was so overgrown yesterday afternoon.  I couldn't figure out what to work on during TV time playing with blocks that were already made seemed like the right fit.


  1. I think you have more rearranging to do before you love it. Maybe the stripes could frame the little boxes or vice versa. The colors are really wonderful. I love the play of the little squares against their backgrounds.

  2. This is going to make a fun little quilt. I do like the vertical orientation better. I mowed Saturday after I got home from my brother's house. I was so tired, but it had been sunny and dried the grass out and since it was going to rain later on that night I had no choice. Then I was talking to the neighbors after I got started on the front and I told him I was going to mow the back finally. He said he noticed it was getting a little high. LOL!! I hadn't mowed it this year so it was more than a little high. Two hours later I was done although I need to do some edging in the back and the sides. Saturday I ended up with nearly 18,000 steps and had 114 active minutes according to my fitbit. Can you say tired? LOL!!!

  3. I like's a city view, with all the windows in different buildings.

  4. I like the contrast of the smoky windows and the fiery windows. Changing the size provides more action. And the stripes are a great "interruption."
    I mowed May 5 and need to mow again.

  5. I had forgotten you had done this block before. And had to check out your 2017 piece, and I see I left a comment then too. They really are intricate blocks. I'm imaging the time each block takes... I too like the vertical stripes added in. Anxious to see the finished piece.


  6. I do love to see you play, Wanda! And I like where those blocks are going.


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