
Friday, May 3, 2019

Backyard visitors..................

I was so excited to see the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks in my backyard yesterday morning.

Here are two of the four visitors hanging out with a morning dove.

They are too big to fit inside the grid of this feeder but this one was just resting until there was a space for him on the other open feeder.

I got all of my blocks pressed yesterday and chose large triangles to pair with the pieced pickle insert triangles.  I counted all of the blocks and have 132 and I need 130.  As soon as I sew on all of the large triangles I can get to the design wall and finalize the layout and sew the top together.


  1. Beautiful birds! A scarlet tanager visited on Wednesday but I haven't seen him since so he must have been just passing through. We have a kildeer that apparently has a nest down on our rock bluff. So much fun to watch it run-stop-run-stop ....

  2. Pretty bird. We had one 2 weeks ago.

  3. We have Doves and Grosbeaks at our feeders too. But ours are more yellow and grayish black. . . A pine grosbeak .... Rarely do we get ones like yours that are so vivid with their black, red and white feathers. Of course those bright colored ones would navigate to your house. They know how you love color. (^._,^) We have been getting several varieties of doves and lots of them in the last few years.

    My hummingbirds have shown up and I just got the feeders filled and up tonight. And I heard my first wren singing while I was outside .


  4. I'm always excited to see your RBG photos! Since we stopped feeding the birds (because of snakes), I don't see the Grosbeaks anymore.

  5. Such pretty birds - thank you, love seeing them all.

  6. The RBGs are here, too - like the cardinals, they show up vividly under the green, green trees.


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