
Monday, May 27, 2019

17 blocks sewn..............

I got 17 of these blocks sewn yesterday, 7 left to sew.  I did add the extra blocks for another row in length.  It will still only be about 32" x 40".  I think I'll put a border on it.

I selected petunias for my backyard pots this year.  This is such a pretty shade of pink.

The other one is purple, even deeper toned than they look here.  I hope the hummingbirds like them.

There aren't any peonies blooming for Memorial Day.  Usually they are at least starting to bloom but this year there are just tight buds on all of the plants.


  1. YUM... I really like this quilt!!! We have full on summer here... a little early for this kind of heat tho. We also delayed the veggie garden until yesterday. Cut back on tomatoes, but planted more zucchini this year. Hopefully, we will be able to avoid the severe weather a bit longer!

  2. Your turned the leftovers into a beautiful dish!

  3. the heat the past week has been horrible I haven't worked on my gardens at all. Pretty blocks

  4. Blocks looking terrific. My tree peonies and shrub peonies both have big buds, but no open flowers yet.Started planting all the pots.

  5. I enlarged photo and enjoyed seeing your perfect stitching for each block. Center seams are immaculate ! Your fabrics are stunning.

    They seem to keep coming up with new varieties of petunia's every year and yours are so pretty. I'm a fan of 'million bell' petunia's and that's what fills my window box and planters. No 'dead heading' and one little plant explodes and spills over the planters.


  6. Gorgeous leftovers here and I like the size. It's amazing what can be found in various places in the studio.


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