
Monday, April 15, 2019

Yes, we got snow..............

There was snow on the ground when I got up and this is the scene at 1 p.m., still snowing.  It stopped for awhile around 3 and then there was more light snow later in the afternoon.  I'm guessing there is about 3" on the ground but a town 25 miles northwest of us had 7".
This is about 4 p.m yesterday and the birds were all flocking to the feeders and below them.  There is a mourning dove on the ground and a cardinal on the feeder at the right.  The rest are sparrows, chickadees and junkos.

Other than walking out to pick up my newspapers early in the morning I spent the day inside, nice and warm and dry.

I cut 2 more fabrics for the larger pieces in this quilt and got 2 more columns up on the design wall.  I didn't get around to looking for more triangle fabric.

While I watched TV last night I sewed the "pickle" Kona solid between triangles.  I still have to trim the tops into points.  I have paired up the rest of the triangles laying there.  The rest of these will be my TV sewing project all this week.

The last 2 white cactus blossoms have opened.  


  1. Bummer with having more snow! It was snowing and raining on my way to work this morning. It is still snowing, but not enough I think that there will be any accumulation. I really like the new quilt. I can see a lot of design possibilities with that block. I need make some baby girl quilts so I may have to give that a try. How big are your blocks? I like the final layout of the OBW top. The cactus flowers are so pretty.

  2. We had snow flurries and rain but a terrible cold wind yesterday. Love this new quilt top as usual and that white bloom is precious.

  3. Snow so late in the year is just insulting. I hope it melts quickly.

  4. The weather kids are predicting snow off and on all week or us. But I'm hoping it won't hit the ground. You had quite a productive day, as usual. And I love the zig - zag piece.


  5. My sister in Boulder has still been getting snow, too. Crazy weather all over.


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