
Friday, April 26, 2019

Walk through the garden.........

Yesterday was my live broadcast for my online Colorwash360 class again so a large portion of the day was concentrated on that.  Late in the afternoon I noticed a crow flying up to my birdbath with something in his beak.  He dunked it several times and then was breaking it and eating it.  He came back a second time and went through the same procedure.
After the crow flew away I added some water to the birdbath and then got my camera to record the progress of the garden area.  This is the earliest peonies and they are quite tall.

It takes awhile for the hostas to poke through and start growing.  This is the first day for this group.

This is the 4th or 5th day for this group.  Once they start showing they shoot up fast, a noticeable amount each day.

This is a favorite, shared with me by my sister in law.  It is a really bright spot in this corner bed that gets a lot of shade.

This blooming Lungwort/Pulmonaria plant jumped over the rocks and is at the end of the path through my garden.  I need to dig it up and move it elsewhere.  It is in the edge of the grass and will get mowed over where it is.

My 2 friends are coming over to sew today so it is going to be a fun day.

Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday about my eye appointment results.  I appreciate every one of them.


  1. A couple of my peonies are taller than usual, too. I got my new supports on them before they got too big so the blossoms won't fall into the ground like they did last year (before I knew any better).

  2. I keep looking at two of my lavender plants to see if they are showing any signs of life. So far they are looking sad. I don't think I watered them enough last year with all the heat that we had. I will patiently wait and see what happens. Have a fun day sewing with your friends!

  3. The new greens are so interesting and welcomed!

  4. Always fun to compare what is happening in your gardens vs. ours. Must tell you your's is way ahead of ours. My Hostas haven't even begin to pop up. On the other hand only one Pionie is up about 6". And I did pick a bouquet of Violet's yesterday.

    I know you are enjoying your friends and sewing today.


  5. WOW, my peonies are still are way ahead of us her in CT...
    a few daffodils and some tulips looking around to see if it's warm enough to really come out...hugs, Julierose

  6. My hostas and day lilies are poking up which means it's time to start spraying the deer repellent, but it's snowing here right now (ugh) so that will have to wait a few days.

  7. Though, regrettably, I didn’t get around to writing anything yesterday, I, too, am very delighted to hear the good report from your eye doctor. Mostly for you, of course, but also for selfish reasons. I so enjoy your blog and your exquisite sense of color, and hope it will be around for quite a while yet. Even though I’m not a gardener, I definitely also very much enjoy the natural world, both plants and animals, so the musings and photos from your garden are also much appreciated by me.
    Hang in there and take good care of yourself.


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