
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Red OBW progress................

I'm getting closer to the finish on this One Block Wonder and it is looking so much better.  I sewed 2 of the last 4 columns yesterday.  I hope to have it all sewn today.   

I also sewed the last 2 Snail's Trail blocks so I can decide on a layout of that one soon.

The Redbuds are starting to open and then this happened........................................................................................................................................................................................

Really?  It snowed more after it was too dark to take a photo.  I'm hoping the Redbuds blooms can survive.  I have lived in this house 47 years and only one year did we get a hard freeze after the buds formed and they turned black.


  1. Yesterday I went to a local nursery's perennial sale. We had to scrape slush off the 4 packs to see if all the plants were in there. And it was spritzing slush at me the whole time. Never had that happen before!
    The OBW is smoothing out and looking real good.

  2. I love the touches of orange - peach? - in the OBW. To my eye, it is quite a dramatic, beautiful quilt top.

  3. did the temperature get below freezing? only one time do I remember having leaves and buds on trees when we had an extremely late freeze - all the leaves and buds of the redbud fell off the trees and about a month later the leafs grew back
    I love how your quilt top has turned out

  4. Our little crabapple trees were flowering and we had a late cold snap. Some of the leaves are now black and falling off - the trees are fine but they won't be as lush this year. Crazy weather!

  5. p.s. Your OBW is looking terrific - I wasn't fond of this one in the earlier stages but it is turning out to be something wonderful.

  6. This OBW quilt presented some real challenges. You settled on a very pleasing layout.

  7. I just love how your OBW is turning out and those colours look so beautiful together. I hope your plants survive your latest weather crisis.

  8. Wanda, your One Block Wonder is looking great! I love how you have arranged the picked a good fabric for this!
    I had heard on the news that there were areas in Illinois that were to receive snow so I thought you could possibly be affected. Hopefully, it will melt quickly...I hope your redbud blossoms survive!
    Sandra B

  9. OBW is truly wonderful ! Your snow had to break all records for April in IL. We did not get the predicted snow for today, but the day isn't over yet either.


  10. Oh no! I hope the buds survive.

    The OBW is coming together nicely.

  11. The OBW is looking like an Oriental screen. I think it came out lovely. We didn't get any additional snow yesterday, but it's gone down to the low 30's every night.


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