
Monday, April 22, 2019

Progress on two.............

I now have 72 blocks completely done, 21 pieced triangles that have points trimmed and 12 more paired and ready to sew for 105 total.  I said yesterday that I was making 120 blocks but I re-figured and need 130.
I moved my sewing machine over to a higher table so I could stand and sew.  I just brought 4 pieces at a time to the machine.  The 4 columns on the left are sewn but not pressed.  I now know that it will end up about 49" x 65".

We had a sunny 77 degree day yesterday so I got the lawn mower out and mowed the front yard for the first time this season.  It looks so much better evened off.  The backyard won't need mowing for another week or two.


  1. Everything is getting green here too but very few people have cut their lawns yet. We did last week and will do so again. That quilt top is looking really good, I love the colors.

  2. I know you are not enthused about this quilt top but I think it turned out really lovely. I love the curving "river" running from top to bottom. Andrea

  3. It is amazing how much the quilt shrinks when you sew it together. I was cold and overcast most of yesterday with rain earlier, but then the sun came out about 6. I stopped on my way home from my brother's house to get gas for the mower. I was just too tired to mow last night so I will get after the front yard tonight. I definitely needs a haircut!

  4. Sunny 77 degrees and with the SUN OUT gives us energy to work inside and out and you sure proved that yesterday.


  5. You’ve inspired me to make my first OBW too. Yours is quite lovely in the flow of the colors. Mine is together and it has a narrow black border around it. I think I want to make more blocks and place some in a wider border now. I’ll just look at it on my design wall before I decide for sure. I have company for a week arriving tomorrow, so that will give time for thought. So glad Spring has finally arrived where you live.


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