
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

No sewing.............

It was in the low 70s yesterday so I was out raking leaves filling 5 huge bags.  There is at least enough more for 2 bags today.

I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't sure about the light green in the Snail's Trail blocks.  Then I noticed one of the new blocks I sewed Sunday is greenish and if I use the 2 near each other I think the problem is solved.

A possibility of snow was mentioned for Wednesday after this nice group of warmer days.  Doesn't seem fair does it?


  1. Those greenish blocks do work together! Nice solution. I should have raked myself, but I am all consumed with finishing that flannel quilt. I sure hope you don't get the snow. It is going to be a bit cooler tomorrow so maybe I will make myself at least rake the front yard. It is so humid here. If it gets up to 73 on Thursday I might have to turn on the air conditioning. It was so warm and damp in the office yesterday I brought my box fan to work today.

  2. hope you won't get much snow! 80's here and later in the week back to 70/40 -

  3. Our weather is supposed to drop too -- 80s now and low 40s/30s by Thursday. Our flowering things are SO confused!

  4. You always come up with a solution. Really nice....

    Crazy weather no matter where one lives. Hope you don't get your snow.



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