
Friday, February 15, 2019

Playing with layouts.............

I still haven't made any decision on the layout for my pineapple log cabin quilt.  I changed it back to every other one dark/light on point.  This would need half blocks to fill in on the edges or setting triangles of one fabric.

Then I changed it to a straight set with the same dark/light alternating blocks.  I will have to make a decision soon so I know how many of each kind of blocks I need to make.  Of course I could make 2 quilts, one with all dark, and one with all light blocks.

Meanwhile I started cutting pieces for another quilt.

My 2 friends are coming over to sew so I will work on the same project I worked on last week.  


  1. For some reason I prefer the straight setting....and I do like the mix of light and dark. Or....who wouldn't want 2 quilts? Thanks for the design insight.

  2. I’ve looked at them several times and I guess I like them both. Definitely the light dark light combo. So pretty.

  3. Either one looks good, altho I don't like the way the straight layout cuts the points off the log cabins. Or may I like the way the on point layout keeps the points while creating a sense of flow? In your quilting blog, it's appropriate that you have us on pins and needles regarding your final layout!!!!!!

  4. To keep the discussion going, I think I recall that your first layout was not on point, with all lights in the middle and dark around the edges. I'm leaning toward this first notion, because to my eye it shows the marvelous complexity of the block and emphasizes the difference between light and dark. But whatever happens will surely be another treasure!

  5. Every one looks at art with different opinions, and it is what pleases them . On point is what pleases me, I see the beauty of each block. "Straight set" detail gets lost. But what do I know (^._,^) So far you're getting opinions without asking, I apologize spouting off with mine too.


  6. Hard decisions on the log cabin blocks. I guess you just keep moving them around and something will strike you. Have a great time sewing with friends. That is why I go on quilt retreats- sew fun to sew with friends!

  7. "When faced with a design conundrum, just begin another quilt." Good advice! (And, in truth, that can be a spur to a creative solution.)

  8. I enjoy seeing your posts where you try different layouts for your quilt blocks, this is going to be such a stunner.

  9. I think I like the straight layout - don't really know why, it just appeals to me, but it's not my quilt, it's your decision. However if you go for a dark quilt and a light quilt, my not make it reversible, light one side and dark the other - I think it would look spectacular.


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