
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Qulting, basting, sorting.............

I finished quilting this colorwash about a half hour after taking this photo.  I pulled out the bastings and will get it trimmed and choose binding today.

I got the next one basted while doing laundry.

I'm going through boxes and found some old quilt books from around 1990.

They were all great books in their time period.  In fact the Seminole Patchwork book is still one of the best on the subject.

The Fons and Porter Ocean Wave book is from 1989.  All of these will probably go to Goodwill.

This book is autographed by Marjorie Puckett to me.  It was the book that was influential for my Sampler Quilt class.  The book is from 1975 and that is the year that I started teaching quiltmaking.  Most of these books have printed pattern pieces without seam allowances added.  That's the way it was in the beginning for me.  We had to work a little harder to make our patterns from cardboard or sandpaper and try to add an accurate seam allowance to them.


  1. Early in my quilting a friend loaned me a book or booklet (I don't remember exactly) with Seminole piecing. I made a nice piece for a project I was making as a present.
    Rather than sending these to Goodwill, you might see if a local guild would want them.

  2. I have two boxes of really old books and magazines as well. I recognize some of them.

    Great color wash quilts as usual.

  3. Thanks for this blog and the photos of 'the past' in quilting. I'm 43 years in and have some of THAT too still. Loved the look at your remembrances..especially the quilt books. My problem is that I STILL have a lot of that myself but while living I intend to read/reread and make SOME. I especially love the old quilt history ones. Quilt on!

  4. You are getting a lot done! I just discovered quiltmaking about 1975 and didn't know where to get books. I remember going to the library and finding very little.

  5. I started quilting in 1981. Primarily Patchwork was one of my first quilt book purchases.

  6. Wanda, I would LOVE to have the Seminole Patchwork book--how can I get it from you?

  7. Good morning Wanda....Looks like you are off to a good start in the new year, and will have several quilts finished by the end of the month. I'm sure you have lots of old quilting books, and maybe a quilt guild or library would love to have them. I notice, when looking for sewing or quilting books, that the library still lists some of the older books that are available for borrowing.

  8. Great glimpse into the past...and I still have some of those same books. Do we NEED, but they sure helped get us to where we are with some great information.

  9. I totally understand your need to pass on your magazines and books from days gone by. It was fun to hear about the beginnings of what you had to do to make a quilt top.....and OMG, look where it's at today !


  10. I own several of the same old books, still!

  11. I went through and weeded a lot of my old books a few weeks ago. As you said, they were good in their day.

  12. It's amazing what we can find hidden away in cupboards or boxes. I recognize the Seminole book, I had this many, many years ago, possible gave itf away to a new quilter.

  13. Love these colors. If you find any Billie Lauder books let me know.

  14. Can you mention how you are basting your quilts, by machine or by hand?
    Curious. usually the part I hate about the quilt making.
    I have a ton of books also, and we need to down size, but that probably will be the last area I approach. one get so attached to books even if we don't use them for eons.

  15. I am such a sucker for old quilting books when I find them! My favourite one has typewriter captions to the hand drawn illustrations.

    And I have a favour to ask you: I have the Seminole Patchwork book but I'm missing pages 23-26. Would you be able to photocopy those pages and mail them to me please? I would really appreciate it. Thank you for considering it.


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