
Tuesday, January 15, 2019


If I would get busy earlier in the day I would get more done.  I thought maybe I had a chance of finishing this quilt but only got the quilting and trimming done.  It is the largest colorwash I have quilted for quite a few years.
I love this backing fabric.  I knew I would never cut it up in little pieces so it might as well go on the back of a quilt.

I have been devoting the first half of this month for finishing.  Now the fun will begin as soon as the binding is done on this one.  I have 3 quilts that I'm going to start cutting.

My red amaryllis flowers are fading fast and the next white ones are just opening.  There are 4 more buds on this stalk.

And just because they make me so happy, here is a closer view of them.


  1. That backing is gorgeous and the amaryllis are the same color family. Your indoor garden is a delight and I never get tired of seeing the changes.

  2. Oh yes, that backing is a beauty! Perfect for this one too.
    It takes me so much longer to get started each morning. So my days seem so much shorter. Of course, I am slower overall and that doesn't help. Getting older is not for sissies.

  3. It takes me longer to get started too, unless there is a reason that I "have to."
    Of course, I am not a morning person and that was an interesting "find" in my DNA - to see that I work better later in the day. Of course, with everything else, that is the busy time also.

  4. That backing fabric is gorgeous!! I could not have cut it up either. And the blend of colors in your photos today is delightful.

  5. Wanda, your flowers make me happy just looking at your pictures, so I can imagine how you must feel, being able to see and touch them whenever you like. You have a couple more just starting, so they will extend the length of time your indoor garden will be in bloom. I am a morning person, but my energy starts to dissipate by 3 o'clock, and I am done for. Your comment, regarding the time you get started is laughable, since you accomplish much more than most of us, and you stay up later as well. One of my favorite commercials is of the cute pink Energizer bunny, and I think of you whenever I see it. Enjoy the day.

  6. I love that backing too. Next winter I will look for these bulbs as yours are so pretty.

  7. The backing and the amaryllis look so much alike! Beautiful eye candy.

  8. That is just the perfect backing for this quilt Wanda - beautiful front and back, and so much like your amaryllis.

  9. You are still getting your day started before all of us in the PNW and west coast. (^._.^). I agree with everyone else, that floral backing is lovely. I hope when you get it hung up in your house, you'll photograph it again. Will you add it to your wall decor or switch it out with another ?


  10. Such a lot of blooms and more coming along on the amaryllis, the colours are beautifully echoed in your backing fabric - which I love.


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