
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hanging sleeve...and found blocks..........

I forgot to add this photo yesterday with the colorwash finish.  I used all 2 yards of the backing fabric and had none left for the hanging sleeve.  I looked through my green fabrics and thought this one looked great.

In one of the boxes in the basement I found these 16 flannel blocks and a bunch more 1.5" strips.  I think I intended to make more blocks back in Dec. 2011 or maybe piano key borders, but at this point I just want to finish some things whatever size they are.  I sewed this top while watching the 10 p.m. news last night.  

Even after making several plaid and stripe flannel quilts the last 2 years I still have plenty of flannel fabric left so I'll sew on a 3-4" border and back it with flannel in Feb.  I just gifted the last flannel baby quilt so this one will replace it.


  1. You've inspired me to work on a few unfinished quilts I found while cleaning out a box of fabric - possibly the product of a long ago hasty clean up? Anyway, I am currently trying to make a bit of progress on an unfinished quilt as my escape from a demanding project that is dragging a bit. So thank you for that! I love the idea of a flannel baby quilt, but I must not start anything new until some of these other quilts are done! Maybe just a bit of hunting and gathering for fabric.....?

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  2. That green fabric for the hanging sleeve is so fun and blends nicely with the backing. I love those flannel blocks! That will make a wonderful baby quilt. I cut up the majority of my flannel and have at least three quilts ready to put together.

  3. I made one flannel quilt many tears ago - it is one if the go-to quilts when one of us is sick. After I finish the current projects, I may just splurge and buy flannels to make a new quilt.

  4. The sleeve looks perfect against the florals. It is so cold here today, that a flannel quilt makes perfect sense!

  5. That was a good choice for the hanging sleeve. I'll bet that flannel quilt feels heavenly.

  6. I like your fabric choice for the sleeve. Just wondering about your flannel quilt. What weight of batting will you use for this one? Or just go with the pieced front and flannel back, no batting?

  7. I missed commenting yesterday, your Colorwash finished beautifully front, back and sleeve ! It will add embiance to any room. And what a fun find to stitch together during he news. Flannel is always so warm and cozy to wrap up in.



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