
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

8 blocks done..........

8 blocks are sewn and I should complete the last 4 tonight.  Then I'll show some different layouts.  

I have made this quilt before with Stonehenge fabric.  Here is where I talk about the pattern.  It was also in QUILT magazine a few years ago and called "Squares in the Air".

Here is the finished Stonehenge quilt.


  1. I prefer this layout to the Stonehenge one, with the blocks turned around. The light greens and orange also give it a pop. Any signs of your snow melting yet?

  2. Those are some good looking blocks! I really like the background fabric you are using. The poor mailman is going to have a time of it trying to get the mail delivered at my cul-da-sac with it being unplowed and the snow being a foot deep.

  3. The blocks look great! The background fabric is really good with these colors—adds nice depth and softness as well as blending nicely when sewn to itself.
    I bought a lot of fabric for a Christmas quilt last month so I was not going to get this new bundle of Marcia Derse—though it is still in my shopping cart. Hard to resist when I see what nice things you do with it!

  4. This is a very graphic quilt. I still really, really like the zigzag quilt on the Stonehenge quilt page.

  5. I like this color combination more than the Stonehenge version - perhaps it is the time of year and because I'm longing to see greens again.

  6. Stonehenge is beautiful, but I like this setting better. It's so pretty in these fabrics.

  7. I don't have a personal favorite, I like them both ! And know your new one will finish as lovely as your 2016. Tailored precision always makes me smile.



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