
Friday, January 25, 2019

2 blocks out of 6...........

I think I mentioned when I started this quilt that I'm only going to make a small quilt.  The blocks are 20" and the sashing is 4" so with 6 blocks it should be about 44" x 68".  It will be perfect to hang over the back of the couch.

My 2 friends are coming over today to sew.  It is supposed to be below 0 most of the day and maybe getting up to 4 degrees at the warmest part of the day.  I think it was Tuesday that we had freezing drizzle which turned into hours of an icy mix.  I thought it was about 1/4" thick on my driveway under about a half inch of snow.  Yesterday I spent a couple hours out there spreading ice melter, then shoveling, and repeat several times.  I think the ice is more than 1/2" thick in most places.  I got enough cleared for 2 cars to park up close to my garage.  We are in this arctic blast for awhile.  Next week we are supposed to have one day with a high of -4 and that is 2 days after they have predicted about 6" of snow.  It is definitely sewing weather.


  1. What a beautiful star quilt you are putting together.
    Here we've just had a day of 50 degree temps and now we are back down below freezing--crazee weather for sure.
    Have fun sewing with your pals...hugs, Julierose

  2. Yep we are going to get the lower half of that storm system... Colder here too. Going to get a small turkey in the oven... on Sunday... Turkey soup on Tuesday!!! Hasn't been exactly toasty the last few weeks here either. 13 this morning!!! Fortunately, dry tho. Love that QUILT!

  3. The blocks are beautiful! You have made a lot of progress. Akron made the news again last night because they have done such a poor job clearing the snow. On Tuesday, 14 buses and several transport vehicles got stuck in the snow which made the kids late for school, and Wednesday 6 more buses got stuck in the snow. The city finally hired some contractors to help clear the snow and spread salt. What a mess. I wonder if they learned anything so that if we get more snow from this system coming in that they will be on top of it? I am not looking forward to the bitter cold so I agree it is a good weekend to stay indoors and sew! We have not gotten the ice like you have. Take care!

  4. Good morning Wanda...If this quilt looks this good on the screen, it's got to look even better in person. I just love the pattern. We have a couple of neighbors who take care of our driveway during the winter, and even so, it didn't help with the ice buildup. I hope you're very careful when walking on it, because the last thing you want to do is to slip and fall. I was glad for the light snow yesterday, because it makes walking on it much easier. Take care!!!

  5. That weather does sound like perfect sewing weather. Those blocks look wonderful. I love the design.

  6. Red and White Splender takes my breath away ! The design detail is amazing.

    I remember some one telling me and only a few weeks go.... to be careful on ice.... That's one tough job removing all that ice in your drive. And a huge area 'to boot'. I hope you will stay in now till you get some warmer temps. It was 40 again yesterday here in the mountains .


  7. It is beautiful . . . much too complicated for someone with my talent or lack of talent. You inspire me to try new things and to grow and I truly appreciate that.
    Thank you.
    Connie :)

  8. Tons of ice here also. And bitter winds today. Heavy snow just south of me. Grateful for your reds today.

  9. Your reds are so pretty -- and I like that you're making a smaller version of the quilt. Be careful on the ice and do stay inside to sew where it is warm. My sister is in the deep freeze, too -- not fun.

  10. Love the look of this quilt so far. We've had absolutely no snow to talk about this year. It's been very cold as of late but when ever a system is on the way it seems to warm up.


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