
Friday, December 7, 2018

Final layout...........

This is the final layout and I hope to start sewing it today.  It should come out about 40" x 64".  All of the 2" x 4" finished size rectangles are regular printed quilting fabrics, no batiks this time.

This is where I finished tweaking 2 nights ago and all day yesterday I kept fiddling with it to make it a little more perfect.  They were mostly minor changes, exchanging one piece for another but I did cut 2 new pieces to add in.

My 5 day pop-up shop opens for subscribers to the Exuberantcolor mailing list at 9 a.m. EST this morning (with a password you will get in an email) and to the public  tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. EST.  Shipping to US addresses only,


  1. Another very pretty piece that has the center glow.

  2. Another beautiful, stunning, exuberant, Wanda design ! ! And your Pop Up shop is glorious. I hope you sell every gorgeous quilt.



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