
Monday, November 19, 2018

More cutting............

I finished cutting all of the 3.5" squares and then concentrated on the 2" squares from the leftover piece.  At the top left is a pile that needs the fold mark pressed out before I can cut them.  The tiny trimmings will go in the dog bed stuffing bag.

We got a little snow overnight Saturday night but it melted off the streets within a couple hours.  We have lucked out with just an inch again where south of us had many inches of snow.  It is cold though but warming up for Thanksgiving, back to normal temperatures in high 40s.


  1. Talk about using almost every inch of fabric! That is great you have such little waste. Fabric is expensive! The weather has been between 32 and 40 lately. It rained a bit over the weekend. I am looking forward to Thursday and Friday which are suppose to be in the 40's and partly cloudy. I need to get some yardwork done before the snow hits the ground.

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Wanda! A bit late but still with exuberant enthusiasm!

  3. It will be fun creating with your small pieces, anxious to see what you design.


  4. It will be nice to have the milder weather for the travelers this week.


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