
Saturday, November 24, 2018

More blooms and family..........

I have so many blooms to be on this plant.  There are over 30 buds on the cactus.
I spent Thanksgiving with this little super hero.  He knows all of the moves of Spiderman and he's only 2.

Here is the almost 5 years old big brother super hero.  They are so much fun to be with.


  1. such cute super hero's always fun to spend time with grandchildren (& greats)

  2. I thought about you when I bought my first Christmas cactus this week at Walmart. Mine is loaded with blooms, too, and I have great aspirations that it will grow up to look like yours!

  3. Love the blooms! Got them here also. Boys are so crazy about superheros. My grandson is 8 and now he is a superhero Star Wars guy.

  4. Love the pictures, bet you had fun with the super heroes.

  5. Our lives are so blessed to be with our families at holiday dinners, and gatherings. And here I thought our grandsons were the only ones into the super heroes. (*._.*). Yah right ~ I know better. Yours are super cute !


  6. Your little superhero’s are precious! I also think the best part of the holidays is getting to see and be with all the kids ❤️ In my case it’s nieces and nephews and their children, as I have no children of my own, but I love all of them dearly. In fact these are all in-laws as “my own” are all in Denmark and I basically only get to see them when I visit in the summertime. But I’ve adopted and claim the ones here as if they were mine, so they are! And we were able to get everybody together, if just for a short while, on Thursday, so it was a great treat.

  7. Love your plant... is it a Christmas Cactus? I have one just like it. I got it because someone moved and left it behind. It is tiny but it began to flower a few weeks ago... about 3 blooms at a time and still going. Sweet plant..!
    P.s. Love your little super heroes too! :)


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