
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Fabric play...........

My day started out with this luscious piece of red batik arriving in my mail box.  The flowers are about 3" and it is prettier than its photo.

Then I started looking for something....I had 3 places that I thought it could be in.....and 4 hours later I had gotten rid of lots of papers, sorted and organized a few things, and found what I was looking for.
I wandered down to the basement and one box of large pieces of Kaffe fabrics and my collection of light Kaffe prints was open and needing to be put away.

But before I could do that I had to try the piece of Philip Jacobs tree fungi with all of them....and I think it looks great with them.  Now I need to come up with a pattern that will work well with them.


  1. That sounds like many of my days in the sewing room! I am still looking for my list of passwords ...

  2. Lucky you! That flowered batik is fantastic. The person who designed that is very talented, I’ve not seen them before.

  3. What a beautiful fabric Wanda! It's so pretty, I would have a difficult time cutting into it, and would want to look at and touch it for awhile before using. We are really enjoying this cooler weather.

  4. Love the tree fungi with those KF lights - and that red floral is definitely beautiful. Fabric Play is good for lots of reasons!

  5. That is gorgeous! The beautiful color and the fact that it’s batik makes me ask: how do you handle using this in a bed quilt? Will you prewash the fabric before cutting it? Or if not, will you give recipient instructions on how to wash it? Or will you wash the finished quilt before giving it? The reason I ask is I was making a wedding quilt (to use as guest registry). It is a four patch alternating with plain blocks (for writing). I had this lucious pink batik and a blue batik in some of the four patches. I was starching the four patch blocks and discovered these fabric bled. I opted not to use them. What would you have done? (I expect this quilt will be used and washed. Did lots of research to find best pens for writing on fabric.)

  6. What a fun post today Wanda. . . I so agree with you, your red rose piece is LUSCIOUS. And knowing you,designing around those roses will create a spectacular show piece. Then moving on... To your tree fungus piece, I can see you had a fun, fun, four hours of selecting fabrics.


  7. P.S. Don't ask me why I said roses .... They are clearly not roses... I can't think straight early in the a.m. And on top of that waking up to another smoke filled valley., doesn't help.

  8. What a wonderful memory you have. The fabrics are great and can’t wait to see what you do with them.

  9. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to mix and match amazing fabrics and you do it so very well. Have fun! Every quilt is a new adventure :)

  10. Oh Yessssss! That red batik is beautiful! Do you know the maker??? I'd like to look for some for the stash!!! Been playing in the batik pile myself lately.

  11. The red fabric is gorgeous! The fungi fabric is so unique and interesting. You find the most unusual fabrics!

  12. My days go like that too. Hopefully after 4 hours of straightening, you'll find the next thing you look for much faster!


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