
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Block number 4

I got block #4 sewn last night while watching some of the new season TV shows but then got busy with something else and didn't load the photos into my computer until this morning.

Here are the blocks so far, 2 with light edges and 2 with dark edges.


  1. Those look great together, Wanda! The ones with the dark background...they glow!

  2. Years ago a famous quilter (whose name I do not recall) said she put some orange into every quilt. I broadly interpret that to be red-orange to orange-yellow, and realize that the Famous quilter meant that a bit of a complementary color adds pop. . . . And that's what the orangey fabrics in your new blocks provide.

  3. Fun to see a new block every morning. And to see them all together, growing into another of your beautiful designs.


  4. Pretty interesting blocks working together well.

  5. love all of these blocks, I have been trying to keep up with blogs while traveling and not having much luck at it. I either have no internet or have to skim through on my phone which never seems to let me leave comments. I will go back through my favorite blogs looking to see what you all are up to at the end of October! Winter will give me time I'm sure! hope you are doing well Wanda and completely healed.

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