
Monday, September 10, 2018

Back to 16 patches..........

I decided to scrap the project I showed yesterday and use the blocks for mug rugs.  I can't waste any more time on it.  So...I got back to sewing the neutral 16 patches and got 30 sewn last night.  I had 20 done previously so I'm at 50 total right now.  I think my plan was to make about 130 blocks but I don't know where my notes are right now.
I spent hours outside yesterday.  My son mowed the lawn and did all of the trimming around things.  I don't have a trimmer so that made a big difference.  I pulled crabgrass, cut  back lots of plants, cut volunteer trees.  I left the Coneflower seed heads for the goldfinches.
The Coral Bell leaves are so pretty with the sun shining through them.

I didn't think I would get a bouquet of hydrangeas to dry this year because the bushes got beaten down early in the summer by heavy rain.  Between the 2 bushes I was able to get enough blooms for two small bouquets, small that is compared to what I usually get.  This will be sufficient for my two vases.  I have them hanging from my mower handle to dry.  It usually just takes a couple days.

Registration for my online Colorwash 360 class closes Friday night this week.  The info is on my website.


  1. Those neutral blocks are so warm and inviting. They will make a beautiful quilt.

  2. Thank you for reminding me about the hydrangeas, I got my scissors and cut a bouquet and they are hanging in a closet now. Lots of yard work to do but I’m taking a day off to rest.

  3. I was looking at the Kaffe blocks and your backgrounds and agreeing with your idea that the jelly bean fabric could pose problems. I started thinking of options such as just a plain pastel for sashing or something where the jelly bean fabric would not be seamed with itself. Your plan to just use them for mug rugs and get on with something you love is brilliant. Just move on. What a great idea. It's a good plan for many things.


  4. Haha - that's a great solution to your dilemma! - And it's probably exactly what I would do. That's why I have so many UFOs. Thanks for the reminder that there are more things out there that will cooperate with your/our vision - and we only have so much time to deal with them all. We really don't have time to waste on the ones that don't want to cooperate - LOL - ;))

  5. Glad your son helped with your yard work. Such pretty photos of all.


  6. Great call on the problematic block project. Mug rugs are a MUCH better idea. The weather here has been great for being outside (when it hasn't been raining thanks to Gordon's aftermath). Today was in the 60s with barely a mist in the air - SO different than just a week ago in the 90s! Happy sticking on those beautiful neutral blocks.

  7. I love those neutral blocks. It sounds like you got a lot accomplished in the garden.

  8. Those Kaffe blocks will make lovely mug rugs, and you'll be done with them! I like the new neutral 16-patch blocks - very restful yet fun to see the ways the batiks behave.

    kadybird2002 at yahoo dot com


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