
Monday, August 6, 2018

Hot, lazy day...........

We're back in the heat and humidity and it just zaps my energy.  I got one more of the colorburst wallhangings basted.  You can check out when I was working on them by going to my label list and clicking on the label Colorburst or go to the bottom of this post where my labels for this post are listed and click on it there.  
The grass is turning brown because we need rain so badly.  There is a lot of rain north of us along the Wisconsin border but the storms fall apart before they get to us.   I'm hoping the predicted rain tonight really gets here.  The Rose of Sharon bushes don't seem to mind the dry weather.


  1. I know exactly what you mean about the heat. It was all I could do to get the yard mowed this weekend and today at work I walked in and almost couldn't breath. It is over 80 in here at 6 a.m. I can't imagine how hot it will be by 1 p.m. where it really starts to heat up.

    I really like this colorwash piece with the red center and the turquoise on two of the sides. Then your trip around the world is almost done too!

    Stay inside out of the heat!

  2. The heat and humidity does take it out of me too.

    I love this colorburst. Everytime I see it, I tilt my head and see a vase of poppies. Any plans to sell this one?

  3. I love your Colorburst quilts . . . so pretty :)

  4. Your color burst pieces are gorgeous - in any stage of development!

  5. I did go back and look at your color burst from July of 2016. I see I did not comment on any of those posts. I'm glad I went back to look, now I am trying to remember what I was involved with that I didn't have time to check your blog. I love your color bursts they explode on the screen.


  6. Love the colours in your colorburst - my 3 favourites, blue, purple and red and a little green top right (I forgive you haha). It's good to see how much you got done with this hot weather; hope you get the rain that you need for your garden - I wish we could get some as well :)

  7. The heat is okay, but that humidity is brutal! This colorwash is great. I love the reds in there.

  8. Here in Nebraska we have been getting the heat but finally the humidity has died down! Your color wash is gorgeous. I am hoping that the humidity dies down for you... just don't send it our way 😀😀


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