
Friday, July 13, 2018


I finally got around to pressing the 5 stratas for my Kaffe Trip Around the World quilt.  Next step is sewing the last seam to make a tube and pressing that.  Now I need to find my note for what size to do the cross cut.  I customized the measurements for this one instead of using a size from a chart I used in my classes.
These are Rutgers tomatoes.  They are a little larger than 2 of my other varieties but still a smaller tomato.

This group is on a plant called 4th of July and has been my earliest tomatoes ever.  I have gotten at least a dozen ripe tomatoes from the 2 plants.

I also have two Early Girl plants.  This one is in the raised bed and the other is along my driveway.  

The evil Japanese beetles are here.  They have eaten all the leaves off my flowering Cherry bush and now they are starting in on the ferns, milkweeds and Rose of Sharon.

Today the humidity is supposed to roll back in with the temperatures in the high 80s and low 90s.  I went out last night and pulled bindweed out of one garden and cut a bunch of volunteer trees.  Between the high humidity and scattered rain predicted I probably will stay in the cool basement and work.


  1. Wanda, We have issues ere with then darn beetles. We found a product at the big box stores called Bayer Shrub and Tree insect and feed. It is a systemic product. You use it once a year and it really works. It makes the trees and scrubs not taste good to the beetles. We used it n our rose of Sharon and not one leaf was eaten. It is under $15 a 2 quart sized container here. Hope that helps.Chris ps. I like your strata they are nice looking together. Stay cool

  2. Not only do we have Japanese beetles, but red lily beetles. I am trying to combat them. I love my flowers and don't want to give that up. Your strata looks deliciously cool.

  3. Knock on wood I haven't seen any Japanese Beetles. I only had them when I had zinnias. You look like you have a lot of them!

  4. Such a lovely strata Wanda and your photos of your tomato varieties look to be in the same 'color way'. A soothing post to read until I got to the beetles. Amazing how they have stripped the foliage. We battle a weevil every year that gets into our spruce trees. We use a systemic to deter them. But with 28 trees in a row it never ends.


  5. I love the look of those fabrics all joined together - it's going to be such a wonderfully colourful quilt. We've got the heat and high humidity starting again too - it's quickly becoming uncomfortable.

  6. About the evil beetles- have you ever tried diatomaceous earth
    in a "puffer" on your plants? I just use a dollar store mustard squirt container, fill it with about an inch of the powder, and poof!
    You can get it at Lowes or home depot in a big bag, and it's completely organic. I use it inside the house, and it is fine even with my cats.
    Try it, and see if you can get rid of those pests.
    I love your blog, and read it every day.


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