
Monday, June 11, 2018

More on the design wall..................

I took off the last large block on the right top that I had on there in yesterday's post.  The borders are 9" each so that is 18" added to the width so I didn't need that 12".  I'm almost done filling in here except for the 3" blocks.

I went back down to do laundry and decided to fill in with the 3" blocks while I was there.  I also cut the fabric Kaffe used for his first border and pinned it up on the right side of the top.  I didn't follow the diagram in the book exactly in the last vertical section on the right.  I thought I was maybe done designing and then noticed I don't have any 12" blocks in the right vertical column.
I just pinned one in place over the top of the existing pieces to see if it will look more balanced.  I will have to change the fabrics that will now be 3" squares along the edges of the 12" block if I leave it there.  I'm not sure the 9" shell fabric will stay in there if I put the 12" block in.  I'll look at it a few times today and hopefully make a decision.


  1. This quilt is going to be stunning! Those floral fabrics are gorgeous!

  2. I love the flowers and other fabrics but not crazy about that shell fabric. I do know that when you finish tweaking this top though, it will be perfect.

  3. It all looks great. You could probably rearrange until the cows come home, but I know you will find the combo you like. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'm sure you will work those shell blocks in perfectly. They do catch my eye whenever I study this piece.

    Another cold day here, and frost warnings for over night. We did wake up to snow on the mountain tops two mornings in a row.


  5. Oh, Wanda, this is just gorgeous! I wait impatiently for each new step.

  6. I am drooling over this quilt. Wild and red! My favorite! So fun seeing you create, Wanda.

    By the way I did find the name of that quilt design I had asked you about. I posted a request on my blog and got an answer back the very same day! It's called Endless Chain from the 1940's. So fun to learn something new!


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